K9 Kreativity Design – ‘pages.php’ SQL Injection

  • 作者: Newbie_Campuz
    日期: 2010-06-03
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/12866/
  • ==========================================================
    K9 Kreativity Design(pages.php) SQL Injection Vulnerability
    [+] K9 Kreativity Design (pages.php) SQL Injection Vulnerability
    [+] By Newbie_Campuz
    [+] Published: 2010-06-02 Pukul 21.00 WIB
    [+] jatimcrew.org/
    # Script Homepage:
    # http://www.k9kreativity.co.uk/
    [+]Dork: "pages.php?page_ID=" "K9 Kreativity"
    [+] SQL Injection
    Thanks to Allah SWT n Nabi Muhammad SAW
    Special Thanks to : 	
    My Parent, My Brother n My Sister
    Byz9991, Doraemon, Bang_Napi, Dark_anvanger, Kenthot_cakep, Bom2, Shamus, Chapzha, Ficarciruas, phoenixhaxor, mywisdom, 
    Pr3tty, newbie_043, KidDevilz, Android2009, XcyberX, flyff666, inurl, Osean, Vhacx, jamsh0ut, elfata, vickry_shahab
    cybermuttaqin, k3m4ngi, roentah, zhombhie, techno_x46 and YOU... !!!
    All admin, momod, spamguard, staff and member Jatim Crew..
    All admin, momod, spamguard, staff and member xteamweb
    All admin, momod, spamguard, staff and member h2ozones