# Title:iScripts easybiller v1.1 sqli vulnerability
# Author: Sid3^effects
# Published: 2010-06-05
# price:$147
# email:shell_c99@yahoo.com
# vendor: iScripts
# url : http://www.iscripts.com/easybiller/
# google dork : Powered by iScripts EasyBiller
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`888' d8P'`Y8b`888.`888. .8'
888 888 `888. .8888. .8'
888 888`888.8'`888. .8'
888 888 `888.8'`888.8'
888 `88booo`888'`888'
o888o `Y8bood8P' `8'`8'
#####################Sid3^effects aKa HaRi##################################
#Greetz to all Andhra Hackers and ICW Memebers[Indian Cyber Warriors]
#Thanks:*L0rd ÇrusAdêr*,d4rk-blu?®,R45C4L,CR4C|< 008,M4n0j,MaYuR
#spl shoutz:LiquidWorm,gunslinger_ :D
#Catch us at www.andhrahackers.com or www.teamicw.in
Description :
iScripts EasyBiller billing software is an easy way to automate and manage your businesses. iScripts EasyBiller, combined with an integrated helpdesk delivers a powerful, easy-to-use, integrated business solution.
Sql injection is found in the easybiller script V1.1
Xploit :\m/sqli \m/