PG Social Networking--Shell uploadVulnerabilty
Name :PG Social Networking --Shell uploadVulnerabilty
Date : july 9,2010
Critical Level :VERY HIGH
vendor URL :http://www.datingpro.com/social
Author : ..::[ SONiC ]::.. aka ~the_pshyco~ <sonicdefence[at]gmail.com>
special thanks to : Sid3^effects,r0073r (inj3ct0r.com),L0rd CruSad3r,M4n0j,Bunny,Nishi,MA1201,RJ,D3aD F0x
greetz to :www.topsecure.net ,All ICW members , iNj3cT0r.com, www.andhrahackers.com
special Shoutz : my Girl Frnd [H*****]
I'm SONiC member from Inj3ct0r Team
Description :
PG Social Networking lets you start your Social Networking Site with many of the advanced features. With our Social Networking Software members can create profiles, search for others, instant message each other, and much much more!
eXploit :Shell Uploadvulnerabilty
DEMO URL http://demo.site.com/social/myprofile.php
Could be able to Upload shell as Image file
# ..::[ SONiC ]::.. aka the_pshyco