# Exploit Title: Campsite CMS remote Persistent XSS vulnerability
# Date: 15th july 2010
# Author: D4rk357
# Critical:Low
# Contact:bd4rk357[at]yahoo[dot]in
# Software Link:bhttp://www.sourcefabric.org/en/home/web/78/Demo--Documentation.htm?tpl=18
# Greetz to:bb0nd, Fbih2s,Beenu,rockey killer,The empty(), punter,eberly,prashant
# Shoutz to: http://www.garage4hackers.com/forum.php , h4ck3r.in andall ICW members
Login as Admin into the website .
GO to administration>Articles>Edit articles or any other option .
In heading or content type <marquee><h1>XSS3d By D4rk357</h1><marquee> .
On the other hand a user using this CMS can upload a persistent XSS in this site while
submitting a article using same method.