T-dreams Announcement Script – SQL Injection

  • 作者: Br0wn Sug4r
    日期: 2010-08-21
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/14704/
  • -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    # Exploit Title: T-dreams Announcement Script SQL injection Vulnerable
    # Date: 21-08-2010
    # Author: Br0wn Sug4r
    # Software Link: http://www.t-dreams.com/download/announce.zip
    # Version: n/a
    # Tested on: Demo Site
    # category: webapp
    # Code : n/a
     Greets to: R45c4l, Sid3^effects, Shobhit, L0rd CruSad3r, Vaibhav, Sonic,
     Yash, KD , Rohit Nambiar, Th3 RDx
     Sorry if i missed sum names... but greets to them too :)
     Greetz To Team: I.C.W | Hackers Reunited | Indishell.in | ICA | AH
    ----- [ Founder ] -----
    Br0wn Sug4r
    ----- [ E - mail ] -----
    ----- [Title] -----
    T-dreams Announcement Script SQL injection Vulnerable
    ----- [ Vendor ] -----
    ----- [ Injection (s) ] -----
    ----- [ SQL Injection ] -----
    Put [SQL CODE]
    [Link] http://server/announcement/MainAnnounce2.asp?key=190[SQL CODE]