Shop a la Cart – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: Ariko-Security
    日期: 2010-09-02
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: [Multiple vulnerabilities in SHOP A LA CART]
    # Date: [03.09.2010]
    # Author: [Ariko-Security]
    # Software Link: []
    # Version: [ALL]
    # Tested on: [ALL]
    # CVE : [n/a]
    # Ariko-Security: Security Audits , Audyt bezpieczeństwa
    # Advisory: 728/2010
    ============ { Ariko-Security - Advisory #1/9/2010 } =============
    Multiple vulnerabilities in SHOP A LA CART
    Vendor's Description of Software:
    # N/A
    Application Info:
    # Name: SHOP A LA CART
    # ALL versions
    Vulnerability Info:
    # Type: multiple SQL injections, multiple XSS, multiple iFrame 
    injections, multiple link injections,
    Time Table:
    # 20/08/2010 - Vendor notified.
    # n/a
    Input passed via the "xGrp" parameter to catgrp.php is not properly
    sanitised before being used in a SQL query.
    Input passed via the "xCat"parameter to catmain.php and prodmain.php 
    is not properly
    sanitised before being used in a SQL query.
    Input passed to the "nLoginUser" ,"nCustPhone" parameters in 
    account_signup.php is not properly
    sanitised before being returned to the user.
    Input passed to the "nReferrer" ,"Zipcode" parameters in cart.php is not 
    sanitised before being returned to the user.
    Input passed to the "nPhone" ,"nMailName", "nFullName", "nEmail", 
    "nComments" parameters in popup_contact.php
    is not properly sanitised before being returned to the user.
    Input passed to the "nEmail" parameter in process_email.php
    is not properly sanitised before being returned to the user.
    Input passed to the "xRef" parameter in customer_login.php
    is not properly sanitised before being returned to the user.
    Input passed to the "xProd", "xCat" parameter in prodmain.php
    is not properly sanitised before being returned to the user.
    Input passed to the "nSearch" parameter in search.php
    is not properly sanitised before being returned to the user.
    # Input validation of all vulnerable parameters should be corrected.
    Vulnerability samples:
    # http://[site]/cart.php?nReferrer=';</script><script>alert(XSS)</script>
    # http://[site]/catgrp.php?xGrp=[SQLi]
    # http://[site]/account_signup.php [POST] 
    # Discoverd By:Ariko-Security 2010
    # Advisory: 