ifnuke – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: Abysssec
    日期: 2010-09-05
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/14898/
  • '''
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    Abysssec Inc Public Advisory
    Title:IfNuke Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities
    Affected Version :IfNuke 4.0.0
    Vendor	 :http://www.ifsoft.net/default.aspx
    Demo	 :http://www.ifsoft.net/default.aspx?portalName=demo
    Download Links :http://ifnuke.codeplex.com/		
    Admin Page :http://Example.com/Login.aspx?PortalName=_default
    Description :
    This version of IfNuke have Multiple Valnerabilities : 
    1- arbitrary Upload file
    	2- Persistent XSS
    arbitrary Upload file
    using this vulnerability you can upload any file with this two ways:
    1- http://Example.com/Modules/PreDefinition/PhotoUpload.aspx?AlbumId=1 (the value of AlbumId is necessary)
     your files will be in this path:
     with this format (for example):
     Shell.aspx ---> img_634150553723437500.aspx
    That 634150553723437500 value is DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() and will be built in this file :
     Ln 102 : fileName = "img_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + "." + GetFileExt(userPostedFile.FileName);
    it's possible to do same thing here : 
    2- http://Example.com/modules/PreDefinition/VideoUpload.aspx
     and the same vulnerable code is located here :
     Ln 39 : string createdTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssffff");
     string newFileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + "_" + createdTime;
    	 string uploadFilePath = Server.MapPath(VideoHelper.GetVideoUploadDirectory(CurrentUser.Name) + newFileNameWithoutExtension + Path.GetExtension(fileName));
    Persistent XSS Vulnerabilities:
    In these Modules you can find Persistent XSS that data saves with no sanitization:
    1- Module name: Article
     Fields : Title , Description
     Valnerable Code: ...\Modules\PreDefinition\Article.ascx.cs
     ln 106:
    if (S_Title.Text.Trim() != string.Empty)
    	parameters.Add("@Title", S_Title.Text.Trim());
    	parameters.Add("@Description", S_Title.Text.Trim());
    	parameters.Add("@Tags", S_Title.Text.Trim());
    2- Module name: ArticleCategory
     Field: Name
     Valnerable Code: ...\Modules\PreDefinition\ArticleCategory.ascx.cs
     ln 96:
     entity.Name = ((TextBox)lstSearch.Rows[lstSearch.EditIndex].FindControl("txtCategoryName_E")).Text.Trim(); 
    3- Module name: HtmlText
     Field: Text
     Valnerable Code: ...\Modules\PreDefinition\HtmlText.ascx.cs
     ln 66:
     entity.Content = txtContent.Value.Trim().Replace("//",string.Empty);
    4- Module name: LeaveMessage
     Fields : NickName , Content
     Valnerable Code: ...\Modules\PreDefinition\LeaveMessage.ascx.cs
     ln 55:
     entity.NickName = txtNickName.Text.Trim();
     entity.Content = txtContent.Text.Trim();
    5- Module name: Link
     Field: Title
     Valnerable Code: ...\Modules\PreDefinition\Link.ascx.cs
     ln 83:
     entity.Title = ((TextBox)lstSearch.Rows[lstSearch.EditIndex].FindControl("txtTitle_E")).Text.Trim();
    6- Module name: Photo
     Field: Title
     Valnerable Code: ...\Modules\PreDefinition\Photo.ascx.cs
     ln 280:
     entity.Title = txtTitle_E.Text.Trim();