FCrackZip 1.0 – Local Buffer Overflow (PoC)

  • 作者: 0x6264
    日期: 2010-09-05
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/14904/
  • # Exploit Title: FCrackZip Local Buffer Overflow PoC
    # Date: September 5th, 2010
    # Author: 0x6264
    # Software Link: http://oldhome.schmorp.de/marc/data/fcrackzip-1.0.tar.gz
    # Version: 1.0
    # Tested on: Ubuntu 10.04
    # CVE : None
    Software Description:
    fcrackzip is a zip password cracker, similar to fzc, zipcrack and others.
    FCrackZip does not check the length of the input provided to it when using the '-p' flag to supply an initial password or file used for a dictionary attack.Passing it a string exceding its buffer size (40) results in an overwrite. 
    Vulnerable Code:
    case 'p':
    strcpy (pw, optarg);
    Proof of Concept:
    $ ./fcrackzip -p $(python -c 'print "A"*44') file.zip
    Due to being compiled using canaries the overflow is detected and the process is terminated before the overwrite can take place.
    Replace the function 'strcpy (pw, optarg);' with 'strncpy (pw, optarg, 40);'Unlike strcpy(), strncpy() will copy no more than the specified string size(40 in our case).