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- Title: DynPage Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities.
- Affected Version : <= v1.0
- VendorSite : http://www.dynpage.net
- Discovery : Abysssec.com
- Description :
DynPage allows you to edit Websites online and make pieces of contents editable with a comfortable editor.
DynPage implements the CKeditor - one of the best Internet editors.
The integration of content into the HTML pages can be done with Ajax/Javascript or PHP - so you can also handle cross domain sites.
DynPage is written in PHP and does not require MySQL database. It's easy to install and to configurate.
- Vulnerabilities:
1)Local File Disclosure:
/content/dynpage_load.php #[line(20-28)]:
$filename = $_GET["file"];
if (!is_dir ($filename) && file_exists ($filename)) {
$bytes = filesize ($filename);
$fh = fopen($filename, 'r');
print (fread ($fh, $bytes));
fclose ($fh);
2)Admin hash Disclosure:
The Admin password hash format: MD5('admin:'+$password)
then password's salt is "admin:".
2-a)Default password is admin,that stored in config_global.inc.php(line 41-42 )
// Default login admin
"default_login_hash" => "d2abaa37a7c3db1137d385e1d8c15fd2",
+POC:for see this hash:
2-b)the hashpasswordstored as SESSION in /conf/init.inc.php.
// This file is generated automatically!
// No not modify manually!
+POC:for see this hash: