Visitors Google Map Lite 1.0.1 Free mod_visitorsgooglemap Module – SQL Injection

  • 作者: Chip d3 bi0s
    日期: 2010-09-09
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • Visitors Google Map Lite 1.0.1 (FREE) (module mod_visitorsgooglemap Remote Sql Injection)
    - Discovered by	: Chip D3 Bi0s
    - Email : chipdebios[at]gmail[dot]com
    - Group : LatinHackTeam
    - Date: 2010-09-08
    - Where : From Remote
    Affected software description
    Application : Visitors Google Map Lite 1.0.1 (FREE) (module:mod_visitorsgooglemap) 
    Developer : Serdar Gökkus
    Compatibility : Joomla 1.5 Native
    License : GPLv2 or later
    Date Added: Sunday August 29, 2010 01:14:14
    This extension tracks visitors of your site in real time and displays their
    locations in Google Map. It uses three main technologies:
    - Map API of Google
    - AJAX
    - IP geolocation API of IPInfoDB
    Content of VisitorsGoogeMap Package:
    This extension contains one Joomla Compoment and two Joomla Modules.
    com_visitorsgooglemap: This component is responsible for the creation
     database table during installation and remove 
     it clearly in case of uninstallation.
    mod_visitorsgooglemap: This module is responsible for the display of
     Google Map in desired module position in your
     template and track the visitors of your Joomla
     page in the map.
    mod_visitorsgooglemap_agent: This module is responsible for the updating
     visitors information in the database.
    Some sql injecton vulnerabilities exist in mod_visitorsgooglemap module .
    The bug is in the following files, specifying the lines
    [16] [if ($_GET['action'] == 'listpoints') 
    [17]		{
    [18]			$lastMarkerID = $_GET['lastMarkerID'];
    [19]			ini_set('default_mimetype','text/xml'); // manchmal notwendig
    [20]			header ('Content-Type: text/xml'); // reicht nicht immer
    [21]			echo '<?xml version="1.0" ?>';
    [22]			echo '<xmlresponse>';
    [23]	$database =& JFactory::getDBO(); 
    [24]	$query = "SELECT * FROM #__visitorsgooglemap_location where id > $lastMarkerID order by id";
     Explanation:As noted in the line [24] $ lastMarkerID
     nowhere is filtered, which result in a query pede unexpected
    [!] Produced in South America