LibSMI smiGetNode – Buffer Overflow When Long OID Is Given In Numerical Form

  • 作者: Core Security
    日期: 2010-10-20
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
    Hash: SHA1
    Core Security Technologies - CoreLabs Advisory
    LibSMI smiGetNode Buffer Overflow When Long OID Is Given In Numerical Form
    1. *Advisory Information*
    Title: LibSMI smiGetNode Buffer Overflow When Long OID Is Given In
    Numerical Form
    Advisory Id: CORE-2010-0819
    Advisory URL:
    Date published: 2010-10-20
    Date of last update: 2010-10-20
    Vendors contacted: Libsmi team
    Release mode: Coordinated release
    2. *Vulnerability Information*
    Class: Failure to Constrain Operations within the Bounds of a Memory
    Buffer [CWE-119]
    Impact: Code execution
    Remotely Exploitable: Yes
    Locally Exploitable: Yes
    CVE Name: CVE-2010-2891
    Bugtraq ID: N/A
    3. *Vulnerability Description*
    A statically allocated buffer is overwritter in the case that a very
    long Object Identifier is specified in stringified dotted notation to
    the smiGetNode function of libsmi[1]. This may result in arbitraty
    code execution by cleverly overwriting key pointers in memory.
    4. *Vulnerable packages*
     . libsmi 0.4.8.
     . Any software that uses the vulnerable function to find a
    definition from an Object Indentifier specified in stringified dotted
    notation that is given by the user. The SNMP packets from the protocol
    that travel over the network do not use this notation for OIDs.
    5. *Non-vulnerable packages*
     . libsmi 0.4.8 patched with the supplied patch.
     . Any future release of libsmi, or current SVN head revision, since
    this patch was already commited to their repositories.
    6. *Vendor Information, Solutions and Workarounds*
    This patch was supplied by Juergen Schoenwaelder and fixes the bug:
    Index: lib/smi.c
    - --- lib/smi.c(revision 29144)
    +++ lib/smi.c(working copy)
    @@ -1793,10 +1793,15 @@
     if (isdigit((int)node2[0])) {
    - -for (oidlen = 0, p = strtok(node2, ". "); p;
    +for (oidlen = 0, p = strtok(node2, ". ");
    + p && oidlen < sizeof(oid)/sizeof(oid[0]);
    oidlen++, p = strtok(NULL, ". ")) {
     oid[oidlen] = strtoul(p, NULL, 0);
    +if (p) {
    +/* the numeric OID is too long */
    +return NULL;
     nodePtr = getNode(oidlen, oid);
     if (nodePtr) {
     if (modulePtr) {
    - -----/
    7. *Credits*
    This vulnerability was discovered and researched by Andrés López
    from Core Security Technologies. The publication of this advisory was
    coordinated by Pedro Varangot
    8. *Technical Description / Proof of Concept Code*
    The 'smiGetNode' function returns a 'SmiNode' struct given the name of
    a OID as a 'char *' in both either numeric (i.e. "")
    or human readable format (i.e. "ipForwarding"). This function uses a
    static array of 128 elements of type 'unsigned int' to hold the OID in
    numeric format:
    - -----/
     Note that 'SmiSubid' is a 'typedef' of 'unsigned int'.
    This array is populated by a loop that calls 'strtok' and then
    subsecuently 'strtoul' in the case that the OID supplied as a 'char *'
    was in the form of subsecuent numbers separated by a period.
    if (isdigit((int)node2[0])) {
    for (oidlen = 0, p = strtok(node2, ". "); p;
    oidlen++, p = strtok(NULL, ". ")) {
    oid[oidlen] = strtoul(p, NULL, 0);
    - -----/
     That loop clearly overwrites past 'oid' boundaries when the string
    contained in 'node2' has more that 128 dots ("."). This constitutes a
    classical overflow that can likely be leveraged into arbitrary code
    execution reliably.
    To verify if the version on 'libsmi' installed on a unix based system
    is vulnerable, the code example (smisubtree) from 'man libsmi'[2] can
    be used. This programs calls 'smiGetNode' in the following way in line
    for((smiNode = smiGetNode(NULL, argv[1])) &&}
    - -----/
     The program crashes when called via commandline with an OID with more
    than 128 numeric tokens, like the OID outputed by the following Python
    # run ./smisubtree `./`
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    s = ""
    for i in xrange(158):
    s = s + "1."
    print s}
    - -----/
    9. *Report Timeline*
    . 2010-09-06:
    Core Security Technologies contacts Vincent Bernat, the Debian Package
    Maintainer for libsmi, informing that a bug has been found in libsmi.
    Core Security Technologies asks for a security contact in upstream
    stating that finding a reliable one using Google or looking at mailing
    lists was difficult.
    . 2010-09-06:
    Vincent Bernat, the Debian Package Maintainer for libsmi, replies with
    two e-mail of aledged developers of libsmi, Juergen Schoenwaelder and
    Frank Strauss.
    . 2010-09-07:
    Core Security Technologies contacts Juergen Schoenwaelder and Frank
    Strauss at their supplies e-mail addresses, telling about a found
    vulnerability and offering an advisory draft in either plain or
    encripted form.
    . 2010-09-07:
    Frank Strauss' e-mail address bounces Core Security Technologies'
    e-mail back, informing about a new e-mail address. Core Security
    Technologies sends the message again to the new address.
    . 2010-09-07:
    Juergen Schoenwaelder replies with his PGP keys, and copies Vincent
    Bernat again in the conversation.
    . 2010-09-09:
    Core Security Technologies sends and encripted draft of this advisory
    to Juergen Schoenwaelder and Vincent Bernat, with apologies due to the
    delay caused by Pedro Varangot
    being on leave due to health issues. The advisory draft mentions
    Net-SNMP as possible vulnerabile software.
    . 2010-09-11:
    Juergen Schoenwaelder replies with a patch fixing the vulnerability,
    and correcting some tecnical information in the advisory draft
    regarding the impact of the vulnerability, stating that it is likely
    low and that Net-SNMP is not affected.
    . 2010-09-27:
    Core Security Technologies replies to Juergen Schoenwaelder and
    Vincent Bernat agreeing that the impact of the vulnerability is low
    and removes the mention of Net-SNMP in the avisory. Core Security
    Technologies asks for a timeline regarding the release of a fixed
    version of libsmi stating that this advisory will be released anyway,
    because someone may be using libsmi in his software introducing a
    vulnerability he may not know about. No reply is received for this
    . 2010-10-04:
    Core Security Technologies notifies Juergen Schoenwaelder and Vincent
    Bernat that October the 18th has been set as a tentative release date
    for this advisory, and that the release date is open to discussion if
    commitment to release a fixed version of libsmi in a given timeframe
    is given.
    . 2010-10-08:
    Juergen Schoenwaelder replies with sugestions for the vulnerable
    packages and vendor information section of this advisory. He also
    mentions that Core Security Technologies should go with the October de
    18th release date for this advisory.
    . 2010-10-08:
    Core Security Technologies incorporates Juergen Schoenwaelder's
    suggestions to the advisory, and again mentions that the advisory can
    be rescheduled if it is deemed necesary by the vendor.
    . 2010-10-20:
    Advisory CORE-2010-0819 is released.
    10. *References*
    [1] []
    [2] []
    11. *About CoreLabs*
    CoreLabs, the research center of Core Security Technologies, is
    charged with anticipating the future needs and requirements for
    information security technologies. We conduct our research in several
    important areas of computer security including system vulnerabilities,
    cyber attack planning and simulation, source code auditing, and
    cryptography. Our results include problem formalization,
    identification of vulnerabilities, novel solutions and prototypes for
    new technologies. CoreLabs regularly publishes security advisories,
    technical papers, project information and shared software tools for
    public use at: [].
    12. *About Core Security Technologies*
    Core Security Technologies develops strategic solutions that help
    security-conscious organizations worldwide develop and maintain a
    proactive process for securing their networks. The company's flagship
    product, CORE IMPACT, is the most comprehensive product for performing
    enterprise security assurance testing. CORE IMPACT evaluates network,
    endpoint and end-user vulnerabilities and identifies what resources
    are exposed. It enables organizations to determine if current security
    investments are detecting and preventing attacks. Core Security
    Technologies augments its leading technology solution with world-class
    security consulting services, including penetration testing and
    software security auditing. Based in Boston, MA and Buenos Aires,
    Argentina, Core Security Technologies can be reached at 617-399-6980
    or on the Web at [].
    13. *Disclaimer*
    The contents of this advisory are copyright (c) 2010 Core Security
    Technologies and (c) 2010 CoreLabs, and are licensed under a Creative
    Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 3.0 (United States)
    License: []
    14. *PGP/GPG Keys*
    This advisory has been signed with the GPG key of Core Security
    Technologies advisories team, which is available for download at
    Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
    Comment: GnuPT v3.6.3
    Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----