Exploit Title :Filefuzzer Denial of service vulnerability
Software : Filefuzzer
Software link :http://labs.idefense.com/software/fuzzing.php
Autor : Sweet
Email : charif38@hotmail.fr
Date: 5/11/2010
Tested on : WinXp sp3 eng | Vmware
Software detail: FileFuzz is a graphical Windows based devlopped by file format fuzzing tool . Devlopped by "IDefense Labs",
FileFuzz was designed to automate the launching of applications and detection of
exceptions caused by fuzzed file formats. compiled under Microsoft .NET 2.0
Thx to : Inj3ct0r.com , shell-storm.org , exploit-db.com and 123 viva l'Algerie
Setup the application to fuzz any kind of application you want , i just left everything by default
in Create menu
File Type: "bkf - ntbackup.exe"
Source file: "C:\Program Files\FileFuzz\Attack\test.bkf"
Target Directory : "c:\fuzz\bkf\" #Create the directory if it's dosent existe
in Execute menu
Application: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntbackup.exe"
Arguments: by default its "{0}" change it to "{A}" and presse execute wish will cause the application to crash