IBM OmniFind Crawler – Denial of Service

  • 作者: Fatih Kilic
    日期: 2010-11-09
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • * Crawler endless loop (CVE-2010-3899)
    The crawler has no recursion depth limit. A site with dynamic parameter manipulation can
    cause an endless loop. This loop will block the crawler thread and use permanent server
    resources. Too many blocks can lead to a denial of service. The same site will be 
    indexed more times and the search results will display the same site many times. This
    can be abused for spamming the search results.
    Exploit to test the endless loop:
    /* loop.php */
     $numb = rand(); 
     echo $numb.'<br><a href="'.$numb.'">click me</a>';