Social Engine 4.x (Music Plugin) – Arbitrary File Upload

  • 作者: MyDoom
    日期: 2010-12-25
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • ###########################################################################
    # Exploit Title: Social Engine 4.x (Music Plugin) Arbitrary File Upload
    # Google Dork: inurl:"user/auth/forgot"
    # Date: 22/12/2010
    # Author: MyDoom ( Moroccan Hacker )
    # Contact:
    # Software Link: http://
    # Version: Social Engine 4.x (should work on previous versions but no tested)
    # Tested on: Windows 7 - Linux 3.6.33 2010 - Linux 3.6.18 2010 -
    Windows Server 2003
    # Greetz to : ALBoraaq Hackers ;) - Especially T3es
    Vulnerable Javascript Source Code:
    window.addEvent('domready', function() { // wait for the content
     // remove that line to select all files, or edit it, add more items
     typeFilter: {
     'Music (*.mp3,*.m4a,*.aac,*.mp4)': '*.mp3; *.m4a; *.aac; *.mp4'
    The File filter used in the code don't check the uploaded file but
    only set the type of files that can be veiwed in the upload window
    so if we type*.*in the filename we will see all others file and
    then we can upload any type of file.
    [~] Step 1 : Find A social network using the Social Engine with MUSIC PLUGIN
    [~] Step 2: Register A Fake Account
    [~] Step 3: Click On Music Link in the menu or go to
    [~] Step 4: Click On Upload Music And Then Fill the Playlist info
    [~] Step 5: Click On Add Music And Select The php file ( If you can
    see php file in the upload window type *.* in the file name )
    [~] Step 6: And Click on save music to playlist
    [~] Step 7: You Will See the Music Player Move the Cursor on the php
    filename and copy the link of the shell.
    Generaly it will be :[numbers]/[user_id]/[some_numbers].php