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*Pr!v8 Expl0iT AND t00L ** *
*********************************- NORTH-AFRICA SECURITY TEAM -*************************************
[!]AB WEB CMS V.1.35 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities
[!] Author: Dr.0rYX and Cr3w-DZ
[!] MAIL: sniper-dz@hotmail.de<mailto:sniper-dz@hotmail.de>&Cr3w@hotmail.de<mailto:Cr3w@hotmail.de>
[!] greet to:WWW.GAZA-HACKER.NET
[ Software Information ]
[+] Vendor : http://www.aeline-informatique.com/
[+] script : AB WEB V.1.35
[+] Download : http://www.aeline-informatique.com/contact.php/ (sell script )
[+] Vulnerability : SQL injection / XSS Vulnerability
[+] Dork : inurl:"ab_fct.php?fct="
inurl:" ab_gp_detail.php?id_det="
[ Vulnerable File 1]
http://server/[path]/ab_gp_detail.php?id_det=sql[N.A.S.T ]
[path] : fr , de
[ Exploit 1 ]
http://server/fr/ab_gp_detail.php?id_det=SQL INJECTION
[ Vulnerable File 2]
http://server/fr/ab_gp_detail.php?id_det=xss[N.A.S.T ]
[ Exploit 2 ]
[GReet ]
[+] :WWW.Gaza-hacker.net ,WWW.evilzone.org , WWW.sec4ever.com , Exploit-db.com , ALL HACKERS MUSLIMS